Chapter 7 -His charms

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I gasped and sat straight up immediately, heart racing on my chest and I'm completely wet in sweat.

What the hell just happened? I wiped my face and run my hand through my hair.

I woke up late because I'd forgotten to set the time alarm on my G-Shock watch.

Thank goodness that Raymond doesn't make "wake up early" as one of his house rules, because if he did. Man, he would be pissed.

I examined around the room, boys were already off the bed and I could be mad at them for not waking me up if I'm still decided to blame someone for the lateness.

I got off the bed, fetched my toiletries with a cotton towel and headed to the bathroom.

The shower was a pain when there's no water heater, the water went straight from the well and I shivered in cold. Water streaming down my body, it tingled at my bones from my delicate skin.

Though, I save a peaceful wish that I could have a nice, warm shower.

I rubbed the vanilla shower foam across myself and put a small amount of strawberry shampoo onto my palm and gently massage through my hair.

This house has soap but it smells like antiseptic, lucky for me I brought my hygiene things. Brush my teeth, gargled and spit the water.

I twisted the plug off and wrapped myself up. It took me five minutes to dry my hair with the electronic hairdryer, picked up a string and make a ponytail. It looked good on me, or so I thought.

Today, I need to go shopping, buy some things and groceries if we gonna stay at Raymond's house for the next few weeks.

I put on my navy bell-bottom jeans and my sleeveless purple T-shirt- I love purple- walking downstairs to the kitchen.

There's nothing much for our morning breakfast menu. I only see cornbread, cereal, pancakes with butter and a coffee pot on the table.

No scrambled eggs. Great. Chopping sounds echoing outside, at the window frame my eyes caught on Ace splitting the firewood and logs piled up beside the well.

He quite handy with an axe, it going fast enough to cut the log freshly clean.

Then, here he was. Daniel sat quietly at the table, chewing a croissant with an earphone hanging at his ears.

How can you possibly eating and listening to music at the same time? Will it be dizzy on the head, to focus two things at once?

I don't know, some people just at best of multitasking. Except that person wasn't me.

I looked up to the refrigerator and there's nothing green or meaty. What do you expect girl? Blood? That words strangled my neck as I saw beers and more alcoholic drinks than the expired cheese or the eggshells.

I came back to the table, sat in front of him and poured myself milk with cereal, I'm so over coffee, caffeine gives me a headache.

Weird but true.

Took a spoonful of cereal and put it inside my mouth, crunching it. Silence awkwardly accompany us for a long moment.

At the time I almost finished my cereal, Daniel spoke and kept his gorgeous eyes on me. "What is it with your hair?" He took off his earphone. I blink, confused. "What?"

My heart pounded on my throat, breath slowly leaving me, I could feel the strength of my muscle deteriorated.

"Your hair" he repeated. "It looks different" my fingers reached my scalp before I noticed it. "Oh, this?" I slowly stroking the end of my ponytail and release it.

"Nothing, it just took me forever to get my damn curly hair straight so I thought I could just tie it up" I explained, it was a lame response.

The next unexpected thing that came out of his mouth surprised me the most.
"It looks cute on you" and I couldn't control the redness blush on my cheek.

My face turned hot, head down and my broad shoulders slumped. "Is that a compliment?" I asked sheepishly.

"If you take it as a compliment, yes" he replied, I'm losing all my breath at the nervousness and the girlish shyness that rushed through me. It's natural.


"Umm.." I slowly tucked a string of my curls behind my ear. "Thank you. I've never thought that my hairstyle could be so interesting" is it obvious that he's hitting on me? Either he's mean it or not, whatever the hell it is, it works.

He slowly teasing me again when he sense my reaction to his charm, continuing to make me weak and shaking my knees. He knew so well how to turn a girl on.

He leaking his fingers along sucking every tip of it, presenting his sexy lips that brought a powerful temptation.

I've accidentally given him my signal, my eyes fishing to where his lips moving, I've to admit that there's a huge magnetic attraction on his lips that makes me so intense.

When he looked at me, I quickly dragged my eyes down to my lap. It was too late.

He smirked mischievously that he knew he could control me.

I stand on my feet and try to avoid his gaze, hopefully, this whole blushing thing will pass, but it doesn't. He enjoyed the game so much.

I carried my plate and lifted his plate too, carrying myself and engaged to the sink.

I scrubbed both plates and rinsed them off, gush scent of soap water filled my nostrils as it running down the drain.

I placed it on the dish drainer and wiped my wet hands with a towel, tossed it aside at the mouth of the metallic sink.

He's getting closer...

I thought he wanted to move instead of standing behind me, but I was wrong. I could feel his cold breath against the naked back of my neck.

He's tall, so maybe if he gets close enough, he could bury his nose on my hair which I'm hoping he wasn't planning to do that.

Wrong again!

He didn't bury his nose on my hair as I thought, but he placed his nose on my hair, stiffened on my strawberry scent and leaned closer until his body gently brushed my back.

I gasped harshly and he heard it. I could hear his soft chuckles as he whispered to my ear, "You do smell good..."

I bent over and said in rush, "Daniel..." I was breathless. "Please give me some space".

"Sure," he said, but his reply was almost the same as mocking me. "Thanks" I opened the window, the cold breeze and sunny day peered through and shining. He didn't leave, there's just two of us.


This is the part that I don't like, my body started to react to every crumb of his flirt.

That's not a good thing. He moved to my right side, folded his arms and revealing his masculine biceps. He just stares at me, watching me.

I wanted to ask him a sensible question, but can I even manage to speak even with his penetrating gaze? "I should make dinner for tonight," I told him. "Are you allergic to anything?"

"No" only one word, still doesn't take his eyes off me. "I'm going to make some omelette and meatloaf if that's okay with you".

He nodded and I covered my face with my hands, he just so close... He leaned closer like he was going to kiss me, I didn't stop him.

I interrupt him, "I'm going to town to buy some things. Is there anything you need?"

"No" this guy had limited vocabulary, he could only say yes or no. It's too bad.

"Okay" I pushed past him, grabbed my wallet, car keys and my sweater, put it around me and just before I reached the doorknob, he called, "Lydia" I glanced at him.

"Be careful" he advised me full of concerns. I nodded and went outside.

Wow! The longest chapter that I ever write. Of course, because I don't want the "cheesy" part to end too soon. Tell me how you feel abt this chapter becuz it's my favourite.

Read, comment and vote! Love ya!

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