Chapter 28- Payback

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I still held my sword as I watched everything passed in front of me faster than the speed of light. I have a clear conscience. I know who I wanted to kill and who I wanted to save.

My dad is the one who killed my mom, Kristophe left her to die while he knew that he could still save her. Quite frankly, they both deserved it.

My only worry was that is killing Kristophe was a good idea despite he had done so much for me in my entire life? (wasn't sure if it's because he wanted to pay for what he did, or he intentionally done it by his kindness).

I can't decide whether or not to spare his life.

Don't think, just do it. You do the right thing.

I pulled the sword successfully without cutting his spine. Blood dripping on his back with a hole on his shirt. He looked disappointed by my action.

He should be. He probably would think that you already had his trust.

"I'm sorry, Kristophe" I apologised.

I grabbed him by the shoulder and with extraordinary powerful duo strength of me, I dragged him harshly so he's off Laurent.

The last thing I wanted to do is to chop my father's head.

Without hesitation, I slashed Laurent's chest, marked an "X" and ripped his clothes. He didn't scream but he shrugged in anger. My guess he thought I wouldn't go against him because I was his daughter.

He's so wrong.

Before my sword could touch him, he avoided a second stab and gotten to his feet. I realised my mistake as I gasped, he was right in front of me and his hand struck my neck.

He gripped my throat as I choked out of breath, his nails digging to my skin and my scream died. My eyes watery and I trembled by my father's strength.

I've underestimated him too much.

No, no, I can't die. Not right now.

I coughed and my fragile claws tried to tear Laurent's face. The pressure reached my brain and cracked my skull. "You can't scream now, don't ya?"

"You're weak. Just. Like. Your. Mother"

Every word stabbed my heart like an arrow. My mother was dead, he still taunted her. Comparing us both.

Then a deep, terrifying growl erupted. Flooded at the whole space of the hall. Even in this depressing moment, both I and Laurent undoubtedly turned our heads.

There's an enormous wolf, grey and white. Six feet tall, all claws opened in a defensive position. Two big fangs flashed in front of the mouth. Ears up.

He snarled in a deadly glance.

More to Laurent.

He ran in unnaturally speed and gagged the mouth as wide as a cave. Sharp nails popped in between the paws and shredded Laurent's shirt.

Saliva drooling over his mouth as he made a brutal attack at the spine that connects to the head. I was been let go from Laurent's grip, gasping for air.

My fingers caressed my scratched neck as I dumbfounded by confusion about the mysterious presence of the wolf that just saved my life.

There's a sound of grunt, like some kind of resistance and protest, a fight between two strong creatures. A growl and a snarl and wooshing sound of expanded claws on my ears.

After my image cleared, I saw a glimpse of ocean blue tint on the wolf's eyes. It looked familiar until I undoubtedly recognised if it was Daniel on his wolf form. Tears prickled in my eyes while I thanked God that he was alive.

Even though he was different.

The tip of my fingers automatically fetched the handle of my Nightshade sword and I jerked on my feet. Eyes straight up to the wolf and vampire.

Laurent grabbed him on the spot around his neck and before he could snap the life out of him, my sword flew. Made a satisfying slice of the air before I could separate his head from his collarbone.

Blood splattered the floor and the wall, decaying as formed a puddle beneath the dead body. I instinctively snatched the hair of Laurent's and showed it to his allies. "Take your wound, leave!"

The look of defeat and disappointment plastered at the Cold Ones and Omegas ranked Wild Wolves' faces. They left us in no time in the honour of surrender.

I burned Laurent's head with the burning candlestick. Throw it inside the chimney. Fire eating the skin and smoke filled my nostrils.

No time to lose, got to release my friends at the dungeon. I turned to face Daniel who was now on the floor unconscious, naked. His body covered with bruises and blood.

My mind quickly drove me to snatch a red cloth of Vinslens insignia printed flag that attached every corner of the hall. Without wasting time, I wrapped the cloth around Daniel exposed body.

I heard a grunt erupted from Kristophe. He's bleeding with a pitiful look in his eyes. Suddenly, there's a weird feeling growing inside of me. An empathy for him. I wondered why I can't get rid of this disturbing feeling like my body would rather let him live.

I bit my wrist so the blood flowed from the holes and feed him. He took it, swallowed as hard as he could and his coldness have wrenched my heart so deep that I wanted to hug him and kiss his forehead.

"Thank you," the first word coming from him. I nodded, "Come on, we need to get the hell out of here".

Kristophe carried Daniel on his back, my blood had fueled his metabolism and healed him. Kate grimaced when she saw me alive, a smile of relief written on her face.

I opened the cage with the key that I stole from Laurent and rescued the others. But, there's one person that still missing.

We ended up in a lab, where Laurent made a secret weapon and whatever the crap of theories that they put into the test.

I opened one door and I saw a metal bucket sat on the floor filled with gallons of blood. I smelled it and immediately knew it was Ace's.

Laurent couldn't drink his blood while he's still alive because it'll create a different reaction and caused the blood to become acidic and toxic poison.

So he tried to drain it from him without using the transfusion kit that he knew a person like Ace could easily run away.

He already has.

I bet Laurent hung him up upside down while collected the blood. He just made it too easy. "We could find him later".

He's an assassin, he knew how to hide.

There's something I need to ask him, something that I realised after what happened. I knew he won't leave me.

What he needs was me.

Hey there, so I've been informed that I may have an exam online. I'm so nervous and wish me luck. I may not update for a while.

Read, comment and vote! Love ya!

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