Chapter 6 -Sinner

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Florence, Italy.

Things went differently for Lydia's father, Laurent in the castle. These few months he has been dealing with lots of crimes committed by his people.

It occurred to Laurent that it may be some way he can teach the kingdom how important it is to obey the laws created for centuries by their vampire ancestors for safety purposes and to keep the peace.

It began with three young male vampires that committed a heavy crime such as drinking blood from random people and exposed themselves in the public.

The incident news was spreading when humans started to post pictures and videos caught on camera on the media. They called it "Halloween Night".

The issue got worse after it's involving the police, detectives and CIA decided to put the case of missing people on an investigation.

They found a human body in a violent condition, some police thought it was a homicide and as the autopsy result came up, there's a sign that shown there was an animal attack.

They have theories that it might be wild dogs or fox that attack the soft part first- the neck. But, mostly they assumed it was a black panther from the forest.

The news of mystery of the missing humans went through Laurent's ear and the problem solved when he dispatched Norman Daniel, a Sharman to undercover and work at the federal department in the city to destroy all the evidence including the bruises and scars on the corpse at the morgue as well closed the case file.

When the CIA couldn't prove anything that displays the killer's identity, it remains unsolved. The rumours and gossips about the missing people disappeared among the people or teenagers that used to believe in Poltergeist and paranormal fantasy.

On April 15, the three criminals were finally arrested and persecuted. Thus, they accused of murdered 12 men, 8 women and 3 underage kids.

The trial was presented and overheard in the court with a few witnesses and the members of the Council including him. First criminal, Garrett Stone the leader of the murder group and the one who planned the whole murder plot admitted that he had caused such a big disaster and stated the fact that he had no ulterior motive or purpose for the murder and the killing was done just for fun.

The same thing goes for Kyle Hammond and Matthew Henderson. They were sentenced to death by forced to expose themselves to the sunlight and they perished in the blaze.

There was nothing left but their painful screams that gonna carved a longtime memory to the people of Jansen to never repeat the same mistakes that no man would do...

It was a sunny afternoon Friday, it's been a daily routine for Laurent to make the confession of sin with Father O' Mulley, read the Holy Bible and spent most of his time at the Catholic church as he was well known for his excellent status of Christianity.

"Forgive me, father, for I've sinned," he said behind the wooden wall and the time passed. For Father O' Mulley indeed kept his little dark secret and the terrible sin that he commits in his past life.

Something to do with murder, murder of an innocent woman name Isabelle Caroline Llewellyn...

Princess and a daughter to Draven, leader of the Wild Wolves clan. Their relationship went on secretly for years, even when they used to be young and naive.

For Isabelle, all she ever believed is that they have one true love with Laurent and they promised to love each other every day for more than thousands of years, but that just a foolish thought for a girl who doesn't even know what love truly means.

They were born from a different world, two different beings, and they intended to fall in this opposite, forbidden love.

On December 10th, Isabelle held out her last breath and she died in peace ironically, in someone's hands of the beloved husband just after 3 years they secretly married at the secret garden.

The loveless marriage, was just a game, for all she knew was that Laurent was patient, determined, passionate, ambitious and greedy for power and throne.

He paid and sacrificed what he had to and for the strangest reasons sometimes he does felt guilty and a slight of regrets rushed through his heart, but it wasn't last.

This secret, only he and Father would only know as he understood that this truth could lead to the disastrous rebellion of his daughter, Lydia.

There was a day he used to think to give it a time, in an impossibility of hope that Lydia would understand why he would do such a thing. He closed the book of the Holy Bible, make a cross near his chest staring at Jesus and it occurred to him.

If a man make good deeds, God was the one to make him rewarded. But, if a man sins killing his wife, probably the Devil will give a reward if there's such a thing.

It's not so bad, Laurent thought. Flew away with a deeper self-awareness.

Jesus died for humanity's sins, he sacrificed and hung himself half-naked on the cross and went to heaven while he's a God and also in the appearance of a man in the flesh. If that so, should the sinners is the one to be punished? Maybe God's a bit careless.

It could happen, that words painted on Laurent's mind like an invisible piece of paper that rewrote his thoughts.

He wasn't surprised by the irregularity of the moment of that idea. It's common for a man like him.

But, what left him in a sea of wonders was his friend's presence, Kristophe. His very own personal bodyguard that he assigned to keep his daughter's safe.

Nowhere to be found.

"Joseph!" Laurent called his assistant, a man with silver-linen clothes and an endless length of a sword attached to his belt replied to him, "Yes, your Majesty".

"Did you hear the recent news from Clarke or my daughter. Perhaps Hart, it's been months since I heard either of them".

The man bowed politely and answered, "Your Majesty, let me informed you that my arrivals came with horrible news to bear.

Though I'm not in such an attempt to throw accusations to anyone Milady has been missing for months since there's an ambush of Wild Wolves back at Weaverheld". Laurent's eyes went large throughout the shocking news.


"Yes, my lord" Joseph assured him with a great of confidence and certainty. "Few missing students were kept in silence to calm the anxiety of the royal family.

Still, 40 students weren't found these several months and the Night Hunters were out to search and rescue. So far, this truth was concealed from you, My Lord as I'm willing, to be honest" he finished.

Laurent pursed his lips, indeed it was ugly news about his missing daughter but unfortunately, he's up with something else. "It'll get 3 weeks to arrive at US. Get me a ship, we leaving".

"Yes, Your Majesty," Joseph said, obey by his command. "One more thing, as soon as we boarded there, prepared me the Lexfysed Replysia- the torture chair- and a glassed cylinder for his blood!" he exclaimed with a wicked smile.

"For what may I ask?" He looked at Laurent.

"Just a little gift for an old friend. Shall he bear this in mind, that he shouldn't ever neglect his job..."

I wonder how this would ends...

"Kristophe Clarke" he breathed.

"You're a dead man".

And if Lydia ever heard about this, she would run away to save his loyal friend that she cares about the most.

Hey there! So I give a piece of Lydia's mother's past and cliffhanger for you to guess what happens next. I know this chapter is so boring but it is a story part that would clarify the next chapter. So don't forget to read, comment and vote! Love ya!

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