Chapter 13 -Dangerous

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He kissed me harder, deeper this time until his tongue linked with mine. "You tasted so good.." he muttered. He's quite professional and passionate.

Make no mistake, I felt such a strong, intense eroticism within my orgasm. I'm not sure if I'm ready to give him my V-card yet.

Why not? This 17-year-old boy makes me feel like in the middle of Christmas on the Fourth of July. I had tummy butterflies. Then, he stopped as he went beside me on the top of the bed. Hugging me. "Your hands so cold"

"Yeah," I said, should I tell him who I am? Will he face the truth? That question sent a blister to my heart. "You know what I am, don't you?" There's only one thing I'm positive: I can't afford to lose him, not now, not ever.

Will he walk away after he knew what I am? How dangerous I am to him? "It's not like I ever asked to be born this way. And..." I trailed off, it's so hard to speak, it's so much bitter that my eyes almost cracked to tears.

"For the first time in my life, I've never felt so much alive. Feel the human interaction and affection" He looked at me, full of emptiness like he didn't give a damn.

"You're not like that, Lydia. You're so much different than the others. That's not who you are.."

"Please.." I cut him off. "For once don't let me feed on lies and denial anymore. I'd enough with my friends and my dad just to make me feel better about myself. But I know in reality, I know what I am. Believe me, I've learned it the hard way. I'm sick of it"

He slid his fingers between mine as he wiped the tears off my eyes. "Shussh" he shushed me like I'm a crying baby. Comforting. Another arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer.

"I know who you are" he whispered in my ear. "You're mine. You are my Lydia. You're my girl" he patted my hair. "So you know what I am, a vampire. A monster-" I finally spoke out the words.

His nose just an inch away from me. His draft of delicious scent slapped me. My bloodlust woke, snapped like a rubber string inside my head. Strained at my dry-dessert throat. My nails lengthen and my claws grew bigger. My fangs poked at my gums ached and I bit my lip. Dub! Lub! Dub! Lub!

"Doesn't matter?" he said. "I'm not good enough for you," I told. "Not for you to decide" He snapped. "You're perfect. I know, I believe in you" he convinced me. What a shame.

It's a pulse, of Daniel's heartbeat. I could hear it with my supersonic hearing. His systolic and diastolic pressure. My jaw tightened up. My temples twisted in a great knot. I tried no to stare at the veins at his neck or his wrist.

Pull him closer, bent his hands above his head, lifted his chin. There will be a nice shaped jugular and a heavenly warm red liquid with the smell of hot perfume. It burned down your throat, soothing your hunger, quench your never-ending thirst. Delight your rotten soul...

Leave me the damn alone! I almost cracked my throat screaming. His embrace killing me, I don't want to hurt him. My claws ached like needles popped at the tip of my fingers, to rip his flesh and suck him dry.

"Daniel, I have to leave" I pushed him away with inhuman strength, got off the bed and put my hands on my mouth. I twisted the doorknob and went out of the room. God alone knows how much I'm craving for him. Like I wanted to eat him or consumed him whenever we got a bit closer...

I walked into the bathroom in the guest bedroom. Turned the faucet as I drowned myself in the watery bathtub. For a moment, it distracted me. I held my breath with my soaking shirts. Feeling myself slowly drowning in the blue sea...

It just so many things that I have to stay away from him. Like I can even touch him. He's a beautiful peacock and I'm a deadly snake. Can we ever be together?

It's like a hungry kitten for a dash of
milk. What if? Just what if...someday I killed him by my own hands. Like lovely, delicate, fragile bubbles and sharp, destroying, painful needles.

It's like nature vs nurture. It just can't happen that way. How can you possibly love someone but always want to kill him all the time?

Like, you tell him how much you wanted him, needed him and loved him and the next second a part from you want him to hold his last breath. Covered in blood with ripped throat and scratches of claws...?

I fell asleep in darkness.

Hey there? I know their love is very complicated but you can't fake chemistry like that. Anyway, don't forget to read, comment and vote!

Love ya x Author

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