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4 months later

Saturday 9:36 am:

"Are you two ready?!" I shouted from downstairs.

They then came running down the stairs but also being careful. I was taking them to go see BTS at their new company building. They were excited to go see their father and uncles at their new company.

"I can't wait to see daddy!" Jae exclaimed, jumping up and down.

"Let's go then." I said, smiling.

We walked to the car and I buckled Jae up while Soo-Jin buckled herself. I got in the drivers seat, buckling up then started the car. I backed up and started driving to HYBE.

After about twenty minutes of driving, I parked the car and we got out. We walked to the building with kids holding my hand. I opened the door and we went inside.

"Hey Y/N." I heard someone say my name. I turned my head and saw Namjoon.

"Hey Namjoon, we were just coming to see all of you." I said, the kids running over to him. He picked the both of them up and held them.

"I was heading back so you can follow me." He said, smiling at me with his dimples showing. "How's the third pregnancy going?" He asked.

"So far good." I replied. We walked into an elevator and he pushed the button to the floor they were on.

"We're sorry that we haven't been visiting, we've been quite busy." He told me.

"Don't worry about it I understand, since you all were getting situated in the new company which by the way looks beautiful." I said, looking around.

"Yeah it does, it might take us awhile for us to get used to the new company." He said, chuckling.

"I bet it would." I said, chuckling along.

The elevator came to a stop and we walked out then walked to a room. He opened the door and we went inside.

"Hey baby." Jimin said, walking up to me then hugged me gently. "I'm sorry I haven't come home for a couple days." He apologized.

"It's alright Jimin." I assured.

"Thank you baby." He said, before walking to Namjoon.

"There's my wonderful kids." He said, going towards the kids after Namjoon put them down.

"Daddy!" Jae yelled.

"Hi dad." Soo-Jin said, smiling. While they were hugging, I walked over to the others to talk to them.

"How have you all been since I saw you last?" I asked, sitting down.

"We've been great and we're loving this new company look." Jungkook said. "But how are you doing? Is your back hurting? Do I need to give you a massage?" He bombarded me with questions.

"I'm doing fine and of course my back is hurting." I said. "And you can give me a massage if you want to Kookie." I added. He zoomed off his chair and ran behind me and started massaging my back. "Thank you Kookie." I thanked him.

"You'll make such a great husband Jungkook." Taehyung said.

"He's right Kookie." I agreed. I can tell he's blushing from the compliments he's getting without even looking at him. "That's good Kookie, thank you." I thanked him.

"Anytime Y/N." He said, sitting next to me.

"We have to start dancing everyone." J-Hope said.

"Great me and the kids are gonna watch you all dance like professionals even though all of you are already professionals." I said.

The kids ran over and sat down with me between them. BTS got in position and started dancing to Dynamite the MAMA version.

After a few minutes passed, they finished dancing. They walked over and sat down, relaxing and catching their breaths.

"You did great daddy and uncles!" Jae shouted.

"Thanks little man." Namjoon said, smiling.

Jae hugged all of them with a huge smile on his face. My phone started to ring and I looked at the caller ID and saw the number to the hospital that I work at.

"Excuse me for a minute." I said, walking out of the room. I answered the call.

"Hello." I answered.
"Y/N, something happened." The receptionist said, which is one of my friends at work.
"What happened?" I asked, curious.
"Ji-Hoon is here and he needs his guardian with him and since I know that he lives with you I figured you're his guardian." She said.
"What happened to him?" I asked.
"I can't tell you over the phone so you have to come down here." She told me.
"Okay I'll be there soon." I said, hanging up.

I walked back in the room to tell them that I need to leave.

"I have to go to the hospital." I announced.

"What happened baby?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know but all I know is something happened to Ji-Hoon." I replied. "So can I leave the kids here with you all?" I asked.

"Of course you can Y/N." Jin said.

"Thank you I'll come back when I can." I said, walking to my car.

After exiting the building, I got in my car and started the engine praying that whatever happened to Ji-Hoon isn't too serious.
What do you think happened to him?

A/N: If I don't update, it's because I injured my middle finger playing football with my brother and it's swollen and bruised. I will still try to update but if I don't that's the reason why. I have my finger in a splint to keep it straight so it can heal.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now