~ 28 ~ *SMUT 🔞*

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Sunday 7:36 pm:

I was in the bathroom putting on an outfit I bought from Victoria's Secret. I don't usually buy something from there but I decided to get something to surprise Jimin with. I checked myself out in the bathroom mirror and nodded my head at how I looked, which I looked fabulous, well I kinda did. Jimin was in the bedroom laying on the bed on his phone, waiting for me to come out of the bathroom. I took a deep breath before walking to the door. I cracked it open and stuck my head out.

"Jimin, close your eyes." I said.

"Okay baby." He said, putting his phone on the night table and closed his eyes. I walked out and went to the side of the bed and stood there.

"Now open them Jimin." I said. He opened his eyes and his jaw dropped to the ground at my outfit.

"Damn baby, that looks sexy on you." He said. "But it's going to be on the floor pretty soon." He added.

He put his feet on the floor and I straddled him and put my arms on his shoulders. I brought my lips closer to his until our lip met. His hand gripped my hips and started making me grind on his member. He stood up, holding me and put me on my back on the bed then hovered over me. He kissed and nipped at the skin on my neck, earning a moan from me.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he connected our lips but this time kissing me more roughly and pushed his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues were fighting for dominance but he won. I put my hand on the back of his head and pulled him closer, deepening the kiss. He pulled away and looked me in the eyes, smiling.

"I love you so much baby." He said.

"I love you too Jimin." I said. He stood up and took his shirt off, exposing his abs. He's been working out more because his abs are more toned. I'm not going to lie, it's turning me on. He then made me take my outfit off and I was just in my panties and he was in his boxer briefs.

He wrapped his lips around my nipple and sucked while slightly pinching the other nipple. He spent a few minutes on each breast before kissing down my stomach until he was in front of my heat. He kissed my heat through the fabric before pulling them off me and pushed them to the side. Even though we've done this plenty of times before, I still get a bit shy. He licked up my folds until his tongue met my clit. He started sucking on it, making moans to fall from my lips.

"Ahh Jimin." I moaned, putting my head back. He thrusted his tongue into my entrance, earning another moan. I put my hand in his hair and pulled him, making him go deeper into me. He groaned which sent a vibration to go through me. "Shit." I moaned.

I was getting closer and closer to my high and I soon released into his mouth. He slurped all my juices up then pulled his face away from my heat. I made him sit on the edge of the bed and I went on my knees between his legs. I palmed his bulge, making him moan.

"Shit." He moaned. I find it very hot when he swears. I pulled his boxer briefs off of him and his member stood proudly in front of my face. I wrapped my hand at the base and pumped him before kissing and licking the pre-cum off the tip. I wrapped my mouth around the tip of his member and licked the slit. I took more of him into my mouth. I was bobbing my head at a slow pace but was getting faster after each bob of my head. "Fuck baby." He moaned. After a few more bobs, he released into my mouth and he pulled him out then swallowed.

I laid down on my back and he pulled me to the edge of the bed and went between my legs. He kissed me before aligning up to my entrance then slowly pushed inside of me.

"Ahh Jimin." I moaned, squeezing my eyes closed. He started to thrust in and out of me and I grabbed a fistful of the bed sheet and tightened my grip until my knuckles turned a pale, white color.

"Shit baby." He moaned, putting his head in the crook of my neck. His thrusts were beginning to get faster. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he put his face above mine. I pulled him down into a deep kiss when he started thrusting faster. We were moaning in the kiss but pulled away.

"Oh my god Jimin." I moaned. He stood up and put his hands on my hips and pushed them down so I can't lift them up. His hips was starting to slam against mine. He pulled out and we were both fully on bed with my head on the pillows. He went between my legs and thrusted back into me, immediately thrusting fast.

His thrusts were causing the headboard to slam against the wall, most likely waking the kids up. All that was heard in the room was our moans and skin slapping against skin.

"Fuck baby." He moaned. He put my legs on his shoulders and thrusted deeper into me, making him hit a spot in me.

"Right there Jimin." I moaned. He thrusted harder, hitting that spot repeatedly. "My god, that feels so good." I moaned.

"Shit." He moaned. I was starting to feel a knot form in the pit of my stomach, signaling my high approaching.

"I'm close Jimin." I moaned.

"Hold it in a little longer baby." He moaned, thrusting faster to try to catch his high. It was getting harder to hold it in. I felt his thrusts get sloppy, meaning he was getting closer to his high. "Cum with me baby." He said. One last thrust and I released around him and he released deep inside me. He thrusted a couple more times then pulled out and collapsed beside me. We were both catching our breaths.

"I love you Jimin." I said, smiling at him with sweat all over my face.

"I love you too baby." He said, smiling back. We cleaned ourselves up and put pajamas on while we were at it then laid back in bed. My back was facing him and he got closer to me and wrapped his arm around me. "Goodnight baby." He said, kissing my neck.

"Goodnight Jimin." I said, closing my eyes and fell asleep.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now