~ 62 ~ *SLIGHT SMUT 🔞*

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Monday 11:45 am:

About ten minutes passed when the front door opened and closed. I looked to see Jimin rushing over to me. I was soon on my back and he was between my legs. His lips were against mine, kissing me harshly. He slid a hand under my shirt and squeezed my right breast. I put my hand on his chest.

"Jimin, let's do this in our room." I said.

He didn't say anything just stood up and picked me up bridal style then carried me to our room. He laid me down on the bed and lifted my shirt over my head. Soon both of our clothes were scattered on floor and he went down on his knees after pulling me closer to the edge and put my legs on his shoulders. He licked up my folds to my clit and sucked on it.

"Ahh Jimin." I moaned.

He stuffed his tongue into me and thrusted in and out. I put my hands in his hair and pulled, causing him to groan.

"Jimin, I need you now." I moaned.

He pulled away and stood up. He aligned up with my entrance and pushed into me. He thrusted slowly, giving me time to adjust. A few minutes passed and all I felt was pleasure.

"You can move Jimin." I said.

His thrusts increased in speed, making our hips starting to slap against each other.

"Fuck baby." Jimin moaned.

He bent down and kissed me while interlocking our hands and they were beside my head. We then heard glass breaking. We stopped and looked towards the door with him still inside me.

"What was that?" I asked, scared.

"I don't know." He said, pulling out of me.

We put our clothes back on and he was starting to walk out to check it out.

"Jimin, please don't go." I said, grabbing his arm. "Someone could be down there and they could do something to you." I said, scared.

"It's alright baby." He said. "I'm just getting the twins and bring them in here." He said.

"O-Okay but please be careful." I said.

"I will." He said. "You call the police." He added.

I nodded my head and grabbed my phone and dialed the police, while watching Jimin go into the twins room.

"This is the police, what's your emergency?" The woman asked.
"Me and my husband believes someone broke into our home."  I said.
"What's your address ma'am?" She asked.
"It's XXXX." I told her.
"Okay the police are on their way to your location, please stay on the line until they get there." She said, when Jimin walked in with the twins.
"Okay." I said.

We heard things being moved around downstairs like they're rearranging the house. I was tearing up from fear. I was also thinking the worst scenario. Like what if they come up here and sees us? Will they try to kill us? Or will the run? All sorts of scenarios were going around in my mind.

We soon heard sirens outside and the door busting open.

"Freeze! Put your hands up now!" The police shouted.

I couldn't hear the other person if they were talking. Gunshots then rang around downstairs, making me jump. Footsteps were soon heard coming upstairs. Jimin handed the twins to me and went in front of us in a protective manner. He's protecting us with his life. Someone then came into view and it was someone in a uniform.

"Are you all alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, we're fine." Jimin answered.

"Are they dead?" I asked.

"Yeah, she's dead." The officer said.

"Can I look at who it was? To see if I knew her?" I asked.

"Are you sure you want to see it ma'am?" He asked.

"Yeah." I said.

"Okay, this way." He said.

Jimin took the twins from me and we followed the police officer. We got to the bottom of the stairs and went into the living room. There was a body on the floor and one look and I knew who it was. It was Mina. She broke into our home.

"T-That's M-Mina." I said. "The woman who tried to kill me." I said. "She broke in hoping I was alone so she could kill me." I said.

"Are you sure that's her?" The officer asked.

"Yeah, I'd recognize her face anywhere." I said. "But now that she's gone, I can live in peace with my family without the fear of her trying to hurt us." I said. "I know that makes me sound like a bad person but all she's ever done was terrorize me, ever since I was in college." I said.

The police left a few minutes later and the crew came in to bag the body and clean the blood off the floor. I walked to the kitchen and sat on a stool at the island and was lost in thought.

"Are you okay baby?" Jimin asked.

"Yeah, I'm okay." I said. "Just happy that we can live without someone trying to hurt us and break us up." I said.

"I'm happy too baby." He said. "I knew you were scared everywhere we went, even if you didn't show it." He said.

"You've always been there for me ever since we met." I said.

"I'll always be here for you and our wonderful children baby." He said, smiling. "I love you baby, always will." He said, walking to me.

"I love you too Jimin, so much." I said.

He then hugged me since the twins were in their high chairs in the room with us.

"And I thought about what we discussed a few days ago." I said. "And I came to a decision." I said.

"What's your decision? And remember, I'll accept whatever your decision is." He said.

"I want another baby." I told him.

"Really baby?" He asked.

"Yeah, I've thought hard about it and I want another baby just like you." I said. "But this will be the last one." I said.

He didn't say anything just hugged me tighter. A few hours later, the kids came home and we told them that they're going to get another sibling. When I told them, they jumped in joy. Ji-Hoon walked a little later and I told him the news. He was surprised but hugged me saying he's excited to get another niece or nephew.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now