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Monday 12:36 pm:

I was at work in the break room since I'm on break. I was drinking my coffee when my phone started vibrating on the table. I put my mug down and picked my phone up. I saw it was Ji-Hoons school calling.

"Hello." I answered.
"Hello, is this Mrs, Park?" The woman asked.
"Yes it is." I said.
"Someone needs to come get Ji-Hoon." She said.
"Why?" I asked.
"The principal will tell you." She said.
"Okay, I'm on my way." I said.
"Just come to the front office." She said, hanging up.

I walked to Dr. Lee's office and knocked on the door, hearing a come in. I opened the door and saw him behind his desk.

"What can I do for you Mrs. Park?" He asked.

"I need to go get my brother from his school." I said.

"What happened?" He asked, worried.

"I don't know." I said. "The school just called me and said that I needed to go get him." I said.

"Alright, you can have the rest of the day off but you will to work a bit longer tomorrow." He said.

"I understand and thank you." I said.

"No problem Mrs. Park." He said, smiling.

I then left the building after grabbing my things and went to my car. I started the engine and began driving to his school.

After about ten minutes, I parked the car and shut the engine off. I got out and walked to the school building after locking my car doors. I went inside and walked to the front office and walked to the person at the front desk.

"Excuse me, I got a call to come get my brother Ji-Hoon." I said.

"He's in the principals office, follow me I'll take you there." The woman said. I followed her to a room and she opened the door and motioned me inside.

"Mrs. Park?" The man, I'm assuming is the principal, said.

"Yes." I said.

"Have a seat, thank you Mrs. Jung." He said. I sat down in the chair next to Ji-Hoon. "Now Ji-Hoon here, got into a fight during lunch." He said. "I'm suspending him from school for two weeks." He told me.

"Okay." I said, looking at Ji-Hoon with an angry expression.

"Thank you for coming." He said.

"You're welcome." I said, smiling. "Have a nice day." I said, standing up.

"You too." He said.

We walked out of the room and walked to the car in silence then got in. I drove home saying nothing since I was thinking about what to do with him.

After about fifteen minutes, I pulled into the driveway and we got out then went inside the house.

"Go and stay in your room until I think of a punishment for you." I said.

"I didn't start it." He said.

"I don't care if you started it, just go to your room." I said. He sighed then went up to his room and slammed the door. "Don't slam that door!" I shouted.

I put my bag on the couch and hung my keys up on the hook. I walked to the kitchen to get something to eat while thinking. While I was making a sandwich, I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw a text from Jimin.

Jimin - Hi baby

Me - Hi

Jimin - How are you doing?

Me - I'm doing just fine

Jimin - Is something wrong?

Me - I had to pick Ji-Hoon up from school

Jimin - Why? What happened?

Me - He got into a fight at school
Me - Now he's suspended for two weeks

Jimin - What was the fight about?

Me - I don't know but I sent him to his room until I can think of what to do

Jimin - Okay
Jimin - I'm on my way home

Me - Okay I'll see you when you get here
Me - Be safe

Jimin - I will see you in a bit baby

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked into the living room and ate the sandwich while watching TV. I soon heard a car door shut and Jimin came inside. He walked over to me and sat next to me.

"Have you talked to Ji-Hoon yet baby?" He asked.

"Not yet." I said.

"I can talk to him if you want me to." He said.

"I guess that would be better." I said.

"I'll go talk to him and see what happened." He said, standing up and walked away.

Jimin's POV:

I knocked on Ji-Hoons bedroom door and I heard a faint come in. I opened the door and saw him sitting on his bed.

"Ji-Hoon, Y/N told me what happened at school." I said, closing the door. "Do you want to talk to me about it?" I asked.

"I didn't start that fight well I actually did but it was for a good reason." He said.

"What was the reason?" I asked, sitting on his bed.

"They were talking bad about my niece." He said. "They saw Soo-Jin when Y/N dropped me off and they kept saying that she's fat and ugly." He said. "I couldn't take it so I punched one of them, I was just protecting my niece." He said. "I couldn't let them talk about her like that, she doesn't deserve it, she's just a little girl and they are already making fun of her." He said.

"Okay, I'll tell Y/N that since you did it to protect someone you care about but don't start anymore fights okay?" I said.

"Okay." He said.

I stood up and went back to the living and sat next to Y/N again.

"So, what did he say?" She asked.

"He did it to protect Soo-Jin." I said. "Some kids at his school saw Soo-Jin and called her ugly and fat and he fought them for saying stuff like that about her." I said.

"I guess I shouldn't punish him for it." She said.

"I told him not to start anymore fights or get into anymore fights." I said.

"Thank you Jimin." She said, hugging me.

"You don't have to thank me baby." I said, hugging her back.

We spent the rest of the day, watching TV and doing chores around the house until it was time for me to pick the kids up from school and from Jennie's place.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now