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Tuesday 1:25 pm:

I was at work when I got a phone call from the school. I answered the call and put it to my ear.

"Hello." I answered.
"Hello, Mrs. Park I'm calling about Soo-Jin." She said.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"She has a fever and she threw up a couple times and I called to ask if you can come pick her up." She said.
"Okay, I'll be there soon." I told her.
"Okay." She said, hanging up.

I put my phone back in my pocket and walked to my boss' office. I knocked them went inside after I heard him say come in.

"What can I do for you Mrs. Park?" He asked.

"I just got a call from the school and Soo-Jin is sick so I wanted to tell you that I had to go pick her up." I told him.

"Okay thanks for letting me know and I hope she feels better." He said.

"Thank you bye bye." I said, walking out of the room. I went and grabbed my things and went to the car and started driving to the school. I parked the car in the parking lot of the school. I shut the engine and got out of the car and went inside the school to the office. "The nurse called me saying that my daughter Soo-Jin is sick." I told the person behind the counter in the office.

"Okay, I'll call the nurse and tell her you're here." He said, picking up the phone and called the nurse. A few minutes later, Soo-Jin walked inside.

"Hi Mom." She said, faintly smiling.

"Hi sweetie, let's get you home." I said, pulling out my phone and called Jimin.

"Hello." He answered.
"Hi Jimin, I called to tell you that I had to get off work early and pick Soo-Jin up from school." I told him.
"Is she alright?" He asked.
"She's sick, but what are time you coming home?" I asked.
"In a couple of hours, why?" He said.
"Can you pick up Jae from school? I'll be taking care of Soo-Jin at home." I said.
"Okay I will baby, now I have to go and practice more." He said.
"Okay don't overwork yourself and tell the others that for me." I said.
"I will bye baby." He said, hanging up.

She got in the back seat and buckled up while I got in front and did the same thing. I drove home while she was taking a nap in the back. I pulled into the driveway and shut the car off. I got out and opened the her door and unbuckled her seatbelt and picked her up. I carried her inside and to her bed. I had to wake her up so she can change into her pajamas then lay down in her bed.

2 hours later

Soo-Jin was sleeping for the last two hours in her room after I gave her a fever reducer and I was in the living room watching TV while she was sleeping. The front door then opened and Jimin walked inside carrying Jae.

"Hi baby." He said, walking towards me and put Jae on the couch. "Is Soo-Jin laying down?" He asked.

"Yeah, she's still asleep. I took her temperature and it was 100.6 so I gave her a fever reducer and told her to try to sleep for a little while." I answered.

"Is Soo-Jin okay mommy?" He asked, looking sad.

"She's just a little sick so don't bother her for a few days, okay." I said.

"Okay mommy." He said, running to the stairs and started climbing the stairs making both me and Jimin smile.

"I'll make her an appointment with the doctor tomorrow to see what she has." I said, when Jimin sat down beside me.

"That's good. When you called me, I was worried when you said you had to get Soo-Jin from school. I thought something bad happened to her." He told me.

"I thought something bad happened too but she's just sick but I hope it's nothing that serious." I said, putting my head on his shoulder. We stayed like that until we all ate dinner after I took some up to Soo-Jin and called the doctor and made an appointment for her.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now