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Wednesday 9:35 am:

I woke up but didn't see Jimin in the bed. I went to get up but I had a strong cramp in my stomach. I knew what it was. My period came. I reached for my phone on the bedside table and texted Jimin.

Me - Jimin, are you still at home?

Jimin - Yeah, I'm downstairs
Jimin - Why? Miss me baby?

Me - Yeah I do but something kinda happened

Jimin - Hold on
Jimin - I'll come upstairs and you can tell me

I put my phone down on the table and waited for Jimin. A second later, the door opened and Jimin came inside.

"What happened baby?" He asked, worried.

"I got my period." I told him. Even though he knows about it and I'm married to him, I'm still embarrassed telling him.

"My poor baby." He said. "I'll go to the store and get you everything you need." He added.

"Really? You'll do that?" I asked.

"Of course I would baby." He said. "You want chocolates, pads, ice cream and pain relievers?" He asked.

"Yeah but you forgot one thing." I said.

"What did I forget?" He asked, confused.

"Your cuddles." I said. That made him smile.

"Aww my baby wants cuddles

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"Aww my baby wants cuddles." He said. "We'll cuddle when I get back with everything." He said, pecking my lips. He changed his clothes and left.

This is what he's wearing:

The door opened and Jae ran inside

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The door opened and Jae ran inside.

"Mommy, where's daddy going?" He asked.

"He's going to the store to get me a few things." I said. "He'll be back later." I said.

"Okay mommy." He said, walking out and went to his room. I heard the twins start to cry through the baby monitor, which meant that they're hungry.

Even though it hurt, I had to get out of the bed to go feed the twins. I walked to the baby room with my hand on my stomach and went to their cribs.

"Are my babies hungry?" I asked, already knowing they are. I picked Taehyun up and fed him then fed Areum. I then changed their diapers and put them back in their cribs after throwing the diapers away.

I went back to the bedroom and laid back down. I'm happy I'm off today but if I wasn't, I'll have to call in since my period makes it hard for me to do my normal routine.

About ten or so minutes later, I heard a car door shut then the front door opening and closing. The bedroom door soon opened and Jimin walked inside with a couple bags.

"Here's everything you need baby." He said, handing me the bags.

"Thank you Jimin." I said, grabbing the pads and made my way to the bathroom to do what I had to. Afterwards, I went back to the bedroom and saw that Jimin brought a glass of water so I can take the medicine.

"I'm going to go make all of us breakfast and you're eating it up here then once you're done, we'll cuddle." He said, kissing my forehead.

"Okay thank you Jimin, you're the sweetest man in the world." I said, smiling.

"Yes I am baby." He said, smiling then walking out of the room.

After a little bit, Jimin came back into the room carrying the carrying table and put it in my lap. He made me pancakes with chocolate chips in them. I took a bite while he watched me.

"These are good Jimin." I said, eating another bite.

"Thank you baby." He said, smiling again. I finished the food and he took it back downstairs then came back and laid down next to me. I cuddled up to him and put my head on his chest.

"I love you Jimin." I said.

"I love you too baby." He said, kissing the top of my head.

We stayed in bed all day and he would bring Taehyun and Areum in our room for me to feed them when they got hungry. He also cleaned the house and fed Soo-Jin and Jae so I didn't have to get out of bed. He takes good care of the kids and me. I'm happy I married him, I'm one of the luckiest girls in the world.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now