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Sunday 9:34 am:

I woke up to the sun shining straight into my eyes. I saw a naked Jimin asleep next to me which I smiled remembering what happened. I grabbed my robe and put it on, before walking downstairs to the kitchen to put make coffee and breakfast.

While the food was cooking, I heard someone come into the kitchen. I turned and saw Jimin wearing his robe.

"Morning Jimin." I said, smiling.

"Morning baby." He said, wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. "What's for breakfast?" He asked, next to my ear.

"Your favorite." I said. "I figured you'll still be asleep." I said. "Now go away so I can finish." I said.

"But you finished twice this morn-" He said, before getting interrupted.

"Jimin!" I exclaimed, making him laugh.

"What? You enjoyed it." He said, smirking.

"That's besides the point, now go or else I'll throw this spatula at you!" I shouted.

"You wouldn't dare?" He said.

"You wanna try me?" I asked, turning around with the spatula in my hand. He ran out of the room. "Didn't think so!" I shouted.

We finished eating our breakfast and we got dressed.

This is what you're wearing:

This is what Jimin's wearing:

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This is what Jimin's wearing:

We were sitting on the couch, watching TV when there was a knock on the door

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We were sitting on the couch, watching TV when there was a knock on the door. I stood up and went to answer it. I opened it to see the rest of BTS.

"Come on in." I said, smiling.

"Y/N!" Hoseok said, picking me up and spun me around.

"I see you're happy to see me Hobi." I said, my hands on his shoulders and smiling.

"Of course I'm happy to see you." He said. "I dreamed about you." He said.

"You dreamed about my wife Hyung?" Jimin asked.

"Yes I did." He said.

"Only I can dream about her." Jimin said, making us laugh.

"It's not like we were doing anything in his dream Jimin, were we?" I said, when he put me down.

"Of course not." Hoseok said. "I wouldn't think that way about your wife Jimin." He said.

"I know Hyung." Jimin said, smiling.

I was in the living room with Yoongi and Taehyung while the others went to a different part of the house. I was watching a show with Yoongi and Taehyung when I heard footsteps. I turned my head and saw Jungkook carrying Jimin on his shoulder.

"Jungkook, why are you carrying Jimin?" I asked.

"I wanted to go outside but he didn't, so I decided to carry him out there." Jungkook said.

"Alright." I said, looking back at the TV. "Just have him back by lunch." I said.

"You're not going to help me baby?" Jimin asked.

"Nope." I said, trying to hold back a laugh. Jungkook then carried him outside after hitting his butt. That's when I started laughing.

 That's when I started laughing

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Taehyung and Yoongi joined in. Jimin then came in running away from Jungkook and Jungkook was getting closer to him. These two never fail to make everyone laugh.

After we all calmed down, we decided to watch the movie called The Unholy (Sorry, I just love that movie). I was prepared to hear one or two of them scream throughout the movie.

A part came up and Hoseok screamed, making me chuckle.

1 hour later

The movie soon came to an end and Hoseok was too scared to move from the spot he was sitting in.

"You good Hobi?" I asked, knowing the answer.

"No." He said. "I'm scared to leave." He added.

"You all can sleep here if you want even though one or two of you will have to share a room." I said.

"Thank you Y/N." Hoseok said, hugging me tightly.

Sunday 10:35 pm:

"Goodnight Y/N." Yoongi said, before going into the guest bedroom. I walked into mine and saw Jimin wearing nothing but a towel around his waist.

"Like what you see baby?" He asked.

"I do." I said. "But we're not doing anything, we did it this morning." I said.

"Then can we just make out then?" He asked.

"We all know where that's going to go." I said. "We're just going to cuddle and sleep and plus, I'm still a little sore." I said.

"That's how good I am." He said, smirking.

"You are a dirty man but yet I'm not complaining." I said, changing into my pajamas and laid down in bed.

"You love me for it." He said, laying next to me and turned off the light.

"Yes I do." I said. "Goodnight Jimin." I said, closing my eyes.

"Goodnight baby." He said, cuddling up to me. We both then fell asleep.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now