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Friday 10:35 pm:

Jimin's POV:

"I'm heading home now, I'll see you all tomorrow." I said, waving.

"Bye Hyung!" Jungkook shouted. I walked to my car and got in, starting the car then drove home. I can't wait to see my family again after weeks of being away. I miss them so much.

After about ten minutes, I finally arrived home. I shut the car off and got out. I walked to the front door and opened it, darkness welcoming me. I closed the door and went up to mine and Y/N's room. I opened the bedroom door and saw Y/N laying in bed through the moonlight.

I quietly closed the door and walked closer to her. I placed my hand on her arm and gently stroked it, causing her to wake up.

"Jimin, you're home." She said, smiling slightly.

"I missed you baby and I didn't want to stay one more night away from you." I said, smiling. I leaned in and kissed her. I then pulled out of the kiss.

"I missed you too Jimin so did the kids." She said, when I started changing into pajamas. I laid down beside her and she cuddled up to me. I feel like something is bothering her but I could be wrong.

"Are you okay baby?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's just something happened at work today." She said.


"What happened?" He asked. I figured I should tell him before Mina does something, if she will.

"I saw Mina at work today." I said.

"You did?" He asked.

"Yeah and she said that she was pregnant." I said. "With your baby." I added. "And before you say anything , I know the baby isn't yours because I know you would never cheat on me." I said.

"She's trying to break us up because she still can't accept that I'm with you and not her." He said. "I'm never going to leave you because you're one of the best things that's happened to me." He said.

"You are too Jimin, I'm glad I met you when I did." I said, smiling up at him. "I love you Jimin." I said.

"I love you too baby." He said. "Now let's get some sleep." He said.

"Alright." I said, putting my head on his chest and my arm on his stomach and closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Saturday 9:38 am:

"I want to know who's more flexible." Ji-Hoon said. "Jimin or my sister?" He said.

"Obviously Jimin is more flexible than I am." I said. "He can fold himself like a folder and if I tried that, I'll break my back." I said.

"Let's just see who is." Jimin said.

"Fine but if I break my back, you're paying the hospital bills." I said, standing up. I stood next to him we started bending down. I only made it halfway down and my back was already hurting.

"Look at him." Ji-Hoon said. I turned my head and saw Jimin folded like a folder.

"Daddy's a folder!" Jae shouted, causing all of us to start laughing

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"Daddy's a folder!" Jae shouted, causing all of us to start laughing.

"Yes he is Jae." Ji-Hoon said, between laughs. I was already on the floor and my face was starting to turn red from laughing so hard. "And your mommy is looking like a tomato." He said.

"Shut up Ji-Hoon!" I said, calming down slightly.

Once we calmed down, Ji-Hoon was playing a video game with Soo-Jin and Jae. I walked into the kitchen and stood at the sink and looked out the window. I soon felt arms wrapping around my waist. I looked and saw Jimin smiling at me.

"Are you okay baby?" He asked.

"I'm scared Mina might try something." I said. "I told Jennie and she suggested us go on vacation somewhere but we can't because you're preparing for a comeback and you can't just take a break all of a sudden." I said.

"I'm scared she will to but maybe she won't." He said. "I can have body guards be around all of you until Mina is taken care of." He said.

"But she's already trying to break us up by saying that she's pregnant with your baby." I said, turning around in his embrace. "I told her that I know it's not yours but she keeps saying that it is." I said.

"You know it's not mine because I would never cheat on you and you know that." He said. "You know you're the only girl I love and I would never stray from you." He said. I slightly smiled at him.

"I know Jimin and that's another reason why I love you." I said. "I'm just worried." I said.

"We all are and I'll talk to my manager and tell him about what's going on." He said. "Maybe he'll let me and the others take a break and postpone the comeback." He said.

"I don't want you to postpone your comeback, ARMYs are looking forward to it and I don't want you to take that away from them." I said.

"They might understand baby." He said. "Actually, they will understand since it's the safety of me and my family." He said. "They want to see me and my family safe and I'm pretty sure they'll find out where Mina lives." He said.

"I know and I love ARMY for that." I said. "ARMY should be detectives since they are pretty good at finding out information." I said, chuckling.

"They are, aren't they?" He said, chuckling. "And ARMY loves you and the four Park children." He added. I leaned forward and kissed him. He pulled me closer to him and put one hand on the back of my head and deepened the kiss.

"Come on you two, you already have four children." Ji-Hoon said. "Do I have to prepare for a fifth one?" He asked. Me and Jimin pulled away and I was blushing.

"You don't have to prepare for another one Ji-Hoon." Jimin said, walking out of the room most likely needy.

"I feel like you two are going to do something tonight." Ji-Hoon said. "Why did I say that? That put a bad picture in my head." He said, running out of the room making a gagging noise. I was laughing while cleaning the kitchen.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now