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Sunday 9:45 am:

Me - The cheese balls are in my hiz house
Me -

Me - Well you can tell by the way I walkMe - I'm a cheese balls manMe - No time to talkMe - Whether you're a brotherMe - Or whether you're a motherMe - You gotta love cheese ballsMe - Gotta love cheese ballsMe - AhMe - AhMe - AhMe - AhMe - GET IN ...

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Me - Well you can tell by the way I walk
Me - I'm a cheese balls man
Me - No time to talk
Me - Whether you're a brother
Me - Or whether you're a mother
Me - You gotta love cheese balls
Me - Gotta love cheese balls
Me - Ah
Me - Ah
Me - Ah
Me - Ah
Me - Ah
Me - Ah
Me - Ah
Me - Ah
Me - Stayin'

Jimin - Are you okay baby? XD

Me - I'm fine, why?

Jimin - Just wondering
Jimin - What brought that on baby?
Jimin - Do you want me to get you some cheese balls when I come back?
Jimin - Or do you want the cheese balls that only you can have?

Me - Oh my god Jimin, why are you like this?

Jimin - You love it when I'm like that
Jimin - Cause I know you want me, don't deny it ;)

Me - Yes I do want you but good lord you're always fucking horny

Jimin - I can't help it
Jimin - I picture you underneath me every night

Me - Of course you do Jimin
Me - The twins just started crying, I'll talk to your horny ass later Jimin

Jimin - And my horny ass will be here waiting for you
Jimin - Love you baby

Me - Love you too Jimin

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now