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Tuesday 9:35 am:

I felt someone shaking me, trying to wake me up.

"Baby, wake up." Jimin said. "It's around nine." He said. I groaned and turned away from him. "Come on baby, it's time to get up." He said.

"I don't wanna." I said, making him chuckle.

"Oh my god baby." He said, chuckling. "Don't make me tickle you." He said. I groaned at him again but continued sleeping. He didn't tickle me but I heard a slight creak at the foot of the bed. I can tell he's leaning against it. "I will tickle you." He said. I groaned at him again, still not opening my eyes. "You asked for it baby." He said, before he started tickling.

"Stop it Jimin!" I said, laughing. "Jimin! Stop!" I shouted.

"Are you going to get up?" He asked.

"Yes I will." I said, glaring at him which only made him laugh.

" I said, glaring at him which only made him laugh

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"You're lucky I love you Jimin." I said, standing up.

I stood up and walked downstairs with Jimin behind me. We walked into the kitchen and saw my mom and dad talking. They looked at us when they heard us walking into the room.

"Morning sweetie and Jimin." My mom said.

"Morning mom." I said, smiling.

"Morning Y/M/F/N." Jimin said, also smiling.

After we ate our breakfast and drank our coffee, we went up to get dressed to go out and explore Busan even though we've been here before.

This is what he's wearing:

This is what you're wearing:

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This is what you're wearing:

This is what you're wearing:

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Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now