~ 8 ~ *SLIGHT SMUT 🔞*

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Tuesday 2:29 pm:

I just got out of the shower and was in mine and Jimin's room getting dressed and the door opened. Keep in mind I didn't have anything on yet. I saw a shocked Ji-Hoon through the mirror.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry sis!" He shouted. "I'm scarred for life damnit!" He shouted, before closing the door and walking away. I was in shock at what happened and the door opened again.

"Why di-" Jimin began to ask until he saw me standing there, naked. "Damn baby, if you wanted to have sex with me you could've just asked." He said, closing the door and locking it. He walked over and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"Jimin I just got out of the shower and I was putting my clothes on, I'm not trying to have sex with you I'm still sore from yesterday." I said, getting out of his grip.

"Come on baby~" He whined. "You're naked in front of me and you're saying we can't do it? That's torture baby." He continued to whine. "And I'm hard." He added. I was soon fully dressed and I turned to look at him.

"Do you want me to help with that?" I asked, pointing at his bulge. He nodded his head fast, wanting relief. "Fine I'll help you but we're not having sex, I'm just helping you relieve it." I said, walking to him and getting on my knees. I heard him gulp hard while I was unbuttoning his pants.

"Please hurry baby, it's starting to hurt." He rushed.

His pants and boxer briefs were soon around his ankles and his rock hard member was standing in front of my face. I wrapped my hand around the base and I kissed the tip which was already leaking pre-cum. I licked the pre-cum off the tip and wrapped my mouth around the tip and swiped my tongue on the slit. I took more of him in my mouth until I got all that can fit in my mouth. My hand was still wrapped around the base.

I bobbed my head at a slow pace, which was making him impatient. I took his member out of my mouth and pumped him while watching him. He was watching me jerk him off which to be honest was kinda turning me on. I put him back in my mouth and bobbed my head at a faster pace, making him moan while throwing his head back.

"Ahh fuck baby." He moaned. I started massaging his balls while sucking him to add more pleasure, which made him moan like crazy. "Ahh shit, that feels so fucking good." He moaned.

He grabbed a fistful of my hair and started thrusting in my mouth, making the tip hit the back of my throat. I was gagging but luckily I have a good gag reflex. I moaned around his member, sending a vibration through him.

"Fuck baby, I'm getting close." He moaned.

After a few more thrusts, he released into my mouth. He took his member out of my mouth and pulled out of my mouth.

"Damn baby, that was fantastic like always." He said, catching his breath.

"Of course it was because I was the one doing it." I said.

I then walked out of the room leaving him standing there. Ji-Hoon looked at me and his cheeks turned the color red.

"H-Hi Y/N." He stuttered.

"Ji-Hoon don't be embarrassed, it's just a body." I said.

"But you're my sister, I don't want to see my sister with no clothes on." He said.

"Now you know how I felt when I had to change your diaper." I said.

"That was different, I was a toddler." He said, when Jimin came into the room.

"What's going on in here?" He asked, confused.

"Before you walked into the bedroom, he came in before you and he saw me with no clothes on and now he's embarrassed." I told him.

"Because you're my sister, I don't need to see my sisters naked body." Ji-Hoon said.

"I like your sisters naked body." Jimin said, causing me and Ji-Hoon to look at him.

"I don't need to know that you like my sisters naked body." Ji-Hoon said. "That put a terrible picture in my head." He added, walking out of the room. He then popped his head back in the room. "You two are nasty, damn." He said, walking away probably to his room. Me and Jimin just chuckled before walking into the kitchen to start dinner.
Well, that was a lot of stuff happening in one chapter.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now