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5 weeks later

Friday 9:35 am:

Jimin's POV:

I was at the company since we had dance practice but I wasn't really paying any attention. My mind was somewhere else. I kept remembering the memories of me and Y/N together.

"Jimin, are you listening?" Namjoon asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked, looking at him.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Sorry, I was thinking about something." I said, tears building up.

"Do you need to take a break?" He asked.

"No, I'm fine." I said, blinking the tears away.

"Are you sure?" He asked.

"I'm sure." I said.

We continued dancing but I kept missing a few steps.


I was outside a school building and I heard someone calling my name from inside. I went inside and followed the voice. I wander the halls until I found where the voice was coming from. It was coming from the gym. I opened the door and went inside and saw a girl standing in the center, looking towards the wall and looked at me when I walked inside. She looked just like me. It is me.

I walked closer until I was in front of her or should I say me. She then began singing.

(Play the song above if you want to)

"I gotta keep the calm before storm. I don't want less, I don't want more." She began to sing. "Must bar the windows and the doors. To keep me safe, to keep me warm. Yeah my life is what I'm fighting for. Can't part the sea, can't reach the shore. And my voice becomes the driving force. I won't let this pull me overboard." She sang. "God keep my head above water. Don't let me drown, it gets harder. I'll meet you there at the alter. As I fall down to my knees. Don't let me drown, drown, drown. Don't let me, don't let me, don't let me drown." She sang.

I was trying to figure out what was going on. Like why I can't wake up.

"So pull me up from down below. Cause I'm underneath the undertow. Come dry me off and hold me close. I need you now, I need you most." She continued. "God, keep my head above water. Don't let me drown, it gets harder. I'll meet you there at the altar as I fall down to my knees. Don't let me drown, drown, drown. Don't let me drown, drown, drown. And keep my head above water, above water." She sang.

She looked at me before singing the next part.

"And I can't see in the stormy weather. I can't seem to keep it all together. And I, I can't swim the ocean like this forever. And I can't breathe. God, keep my head above water. I lose my breath at the bottom. Come rescue me, I'll be waiting. I'm too young to fall asleep. God, keep my head above water. Don't let me drown, it gets harder. I'll meet you there at the altar as I fall down to my knees. Don't let me drown. Don't let me drown. Don't let me drown and keep my head above water, above water." She sang, before stopping.

"Do you know why I sang that Y/N?" She asked.

"Why?" I asked.

"You're in a coma and you could die." She said. "I was singing to God so he can help you." She added. (A/N: Not trying to push religion on anyone.)

"How? What happened?" I asked.

"You were in a major car accident and one of your lungs collapsed, you had internal bleeding in different areas in your body and you have a head wound that could make you lose your memory." She said.

"What kind of memories?" I asked.

"I can't tell you." She said.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm your spirit." She said. "And there's a lot of people who needs you to wake up, especially Jimin, your kids, your parents and your brother and everyone else who cares about you and loves you." She said. "You need to wake up Y/N, they need you with them." She said. "Don't leave them because you make all of them whole, especially Jimin." She continued. "He can't lose someone special to him that helped him through everything and supported him." She said.

"How am I supposed to wake up when I can't?" I asked, tears in my eyes.

"That's up to you to find out but I know you'll wake up because God is helping you, he's helping you wake up." She said. "I know I'm fading away and that means you're waking up." She said, smiling. "Now go be with your family, they need you." She said, before disappearing.

My eyes opened and I was welcomed by a white room.

Jimin's POV:

My phone started ringing and I walked, grabbing it.

"Hello." I answered.
"Is this Mr. Park?" A woman asked.
"It is." I said.
"Hello Mr. Park, this Seoul Memorial Hospital calling to tell you that your wife has woken up." She said.
"She did? I'm on my way." I said, hanging up.

"Who was that Jimin?" Taehyung asked.

"It was the hospital." I said. "Y/N woke up." I told them. "I'm going to go see her." I said.

"Okay, we'll come by later." Jin said.

"Okay Hyung." I said, leaving the room and the building.

I got in my car and drove to the hospital, happy to be able to see her awake. After a ten minute drive, I parked my car and went inside then went to her room. I walked inside and saw her looking out the window.

"Hi baby." I said, getting her attention. She still had the mask on to give her oxygen but I saw her smiling.

"Hi Jimin." She said, slightly smiling. I walked over to her and hugged her, with her hugging back.

"I missed you so much baby." I said, pulling away.

"I I missed you too." She said. "How long was I out?" She asked.

"Five weeks and those weeks were miserable for me, the kids, your parents and the members." I said. "We all prayed for you." I said. "ARMY did too, they all miss you." I added.

"All of you are so sweet." She said, faintly smiling. "I don't deserve any of you." She added. "I love you Jimin." She said.

"I love you too baby." I said, smiling at her making my eyes disappear.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now