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Tuesday 3:46 pm:

"I can't wait for you to get here baby." Jimin said, over the phone. "You and the kids get to watch us be on Jimmy Fallon." He said.

"We wouldn't miss being there watching behind the cameras." I said, chuckling. "Now I have to go so I can get the kids in the car." I said.

"Alright, drive safe baby." He said. "I love you baby." He said.

"I love you too Jimin." I said. "Bye." I said, hanging up.

I went and got the twins and put them in the double stroller.

"Come on kids, we have to go!" I shouted. Jae and Soo-Jin came running down the stairs, anxious to see their father and their uncles. We went out to the car and I put the twins in their car seats. I got in the drivers seat and started the car.

"We get too see daddy and uncles!" Jae exclaimed.

"Quiet down a little bit so you don't wake the twins." I said, looking through the rear view mirror.

"Okay." Jae said.

After a thirty minute drive, we got to the company building and I parked the car. I got out of the car and went to the trunk to get the stroller to put the twins in. Jae and Soo-Jin were already out of the car and they were waiting for me. After putting the twins in the stroller, I locked the car doors and we began to walk inside.

I felt a vibration in my pocket, meaning someone texted me. I stopped and pulled my phone out to see a text from Jimin.

Jimin - Are you here yet baby?

Me - We just got here

Jimin - I'm coming to get you
Jimin - Stay there

Me - Alright

I put my phone back in my pocket and sat down on a chair and started wheeling the stroller forward and backward.

"Baby!" I heard Jimin shout. I looked up and saw him walking towards us.

"Daddy!" Jae shouted, running to him at full speed. He jumped into Jimins arms and wrapped his arms around his neck.

"Hey buddy." Jimin said, smiling. He came closer and put Jae down then hugged Soo-Jin. "Hi Princess." He said, smiling.

"Hi dad." Soo-Jin said. Jimin then came to me and hugged me tightly.

"Hi baby." He said, next to me ear.

"Hi Jimin." I said. Jimin looked at the twins to see that they were awake. They were showing their little smiles when they saw their dad.

"Look at your little smiles, so cute." Jimin said. "Let's go baby." He said, pushing the stroller so I didn't have to. We followed him to a room and went inside. I saw the others waiting for us.

"Uncles!" Jae and Soo-Jin said in unison.

"Hey!" BTS except for Jimin exclaimed. After we got situated and after Jimin kissed me, they got ready to go on air.

Your Eyes Tell // Park Jimin {BOOK TWO}Where stories live. Discover now