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Friday 7:10 am:

"Come on kids and Ji-Hoon! You're going to be late for school!" I shouted. Ji-Hoon is able to go back to school since he healed up. Jimin had to stay at the dorm for a few weeks because of their schedule and I had to take care of our four children by myself until Ji-Hoon was able to come home.

Ji-Hoon is scared to drive so I said that I'll drive him to school since I have to take the kids to school. I already got Taehyun and Areum ready. They're already in their car seats next to my feet on the floor and they're both asleep. They finally came downstairs and Ji-Hoon picked one of the carriers up while I picked up the other one and we put them in the car. Me and Jimin got another car to fit everyone inside.

This is the car:

After everyone was buckled up, I pulled out of the driveway

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After everyone was buckled up, I pulled out of the driveway. I was going to drop Ji-Hoon off before the kids since he needs to be at school earlier than them.

"Thank you for driving me to school sis." Ji-Hoon said.

"It's alright Ji-Hoon, I understand why." I said. "I'll pick you up when I get off work." I said.

"What about the twins? Since you have to go to work and no one is going to be home to watch them." He said.

"Jennie and her husband said that they'll watch them while I'm at work." I said.

"I miss Jennie, how come she doesn't visit as much as she did before?" He asked.

"She's busy with work and taking care of her own child." I said. "But I'll take all of us over to see her when I'm off from work and Jimin is on break." I said.

"Okay." He said, when I pulled up in front of his school. "I'll see you when you come get me." He said.

"Okay, be good at school." I said.

"I will." He said, getting out of the car.

"Bye Uncle Ji-Hoon." Soo-Jin and Jae said in unison.

"Bye you two angels." He said, shutting the door. I then drove them to school then after dropping them off, I drove to Jennie's home.

After a little while of driving, I pulled into their driveway. I shut the engine off and got out of the car. I opened the car door and got Taehyun then got Areum. I was carrying both of their carriers at the same time and they were of course heavy but I guess I'm getting a workout from it. I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell then waited. The door then opened revealing Seo-Joon.

"Hey Y/N, come on in." He said, getting one of the carriers from me. We walked in and I saw Jennie with her son.

"Hi Jennie." I said, smiling.

"Hey Y/N." Jennie said. "Sorry for not visiting you as much as before." She said.

"Don't worry about it Jennie, I understand." I said. I put Areums carrier down on the floor in front of Jennie while Seo-Joon was playing peekaboo with Taehyun. "Thank you both for saying that you'll watch Areum and Taehyun." I said.

"It's no problem at all Y/N, we'll watch your kids whenever you need us to." Jennie said.

"Thanks now I better go now so I don't get to work late." I said. "Bye." I said, then left to go to work.

25 minutes later

I finally got to work after twenty-five minutes because of traffic. I grabbed my purse and after turning the car off. I walked into hospital and went to put my stuff away.

15 minutes later

"Mrs. Park, can you accompany me with my next patient?" Doctor Lee asked.

"Yeah." I said. We walked to one of the examination rooms and went inside. I looked down at the clipboard until I looked up at the patient and saw someone I didn't want to ever see.

"Long time no see Y/N." She said.
Who do you think it is?

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