Chapter 51 - The Championship

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The day of Cooper's championship game was one of the most nerve-wracking days he'd ever had. He'd been working for this since the beginning of the year, and now that it was happening, he couldn't believe that he actually made it. Winning the game would not only shoot him up popularity-wise, but his stats would be outstanding and get the attention of college scouts even this early. He only really cared about the latter, but becoming more popular didn't sound too bad.

Winning also meant he'd be in first place for player of the year across the board throughout the whole state, and he was even more nervous for that. He was going against River's record the previous year, and at the moment, he had to make 34 baskets to beat it. Part of it hurt that he could beat River and ruin his record, but at the same time, exciting he was going up against his boyfriend. At the same time, though, just because Cooper could beat it didn't mean River couldn't. Before the game, Cooper wasn't even in second or third place, so it wasn't a guaranteed win anyways.

"You ready?" His dad asked, coming into the locker room.

Putting on his jersey, Cooper shrugged, nervous, "I think so."

"You'll do fine; I have faith you'll get through this. You've eaten a lot this past week, so you're even stronger than all the other games, and now you know how they play, so it's nothing new."

"What if I mess up?" From what he was told, many people from his school were coming to see freshman and varsity play. A bunch of his teachers and classmates said they were excited to see him play, and he didn't want to embarrass himself in front of them. There was also the part where he'd beat himself up over it too.

"You won't, but if you do? It's okay, don't beat yourself up about it; you're a freshman, you have another three years to make it to the finals."

Cooper just nodded and finished getting ready, suddenly getting the urge to pee. Asking his dad where the bathroom was, he told him he had to go into the school to use it as the ones in the gym were out of order.

They were playing at Concordia, and just being there, Cooper felt on edge and uncomfortable. Class had just let out, and there were a bunch of people in the halls at their lockers and in groups which made Cooper try his hardest to go unknown, but it was hard when he was wearing a bright red uniform. To his surprise, he saw River leaning on what he assumed was his locker with his backpack, talking to his friends, Will, Drew, and Henry, along with a couple other guys. Cooper watched him as he laughed about something, and he seemed happy, which made Cooper feel happy as well.

Going back to concentrating on the bathroom, he got different looks from the preppy students but still made his way, doing his business. The only problem he had was when he was washing his hands, none other than Connor walked in, and upon seeing Cooper, he almost turned and walked out, "Jesus Christ, you following me now?" He said, already annoyed.

Scoffing, Cooper rolled his eyes and continued scrubbing his hands. "I didn't know it was a crime to use the bathroom."

"It is when fags like you use them."

Being called that still affected Cooper to the point where he wanted to crawl into a dark circle and hide, but Connor saying it didn't affect him much anymore. "Trust me; this is the last place I wanted to be. I feel as if I've entered hell."

Connor looked at him, getting cocky all of a sudden. "You know we're going to beat you."

Going to grab a paper towel, Cooper dried his hands, still not paying much attention to him. "Unless you pull the trick of the century, I don't think so. We've been working even harder the second we found out we were going up against you, so no, Connor, you aren't going to beat us." He said, throwing his paper at him and going to walk out.

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