Chapter 36 - Cameron pt. 1

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The bed was empty when Cooper finally woke up the next morning. The room warm and bright made him sit up and look for his phone, wondering what time it was. Finding it, the time read noon, and he knew he should get up and get ready to go to the skatepark, but the bed was so warm and comfortable that he found himself dozing off for a few seconds before getting a text that woke him up.

It was from the skatepark group chat making sure everyone was going, and Cooper sent nothing but a thumbs up before getting up and heading to the bathroom. He'd been here enough times to know where everything was, so he turned on the shower and grabbed a towel waiting for the water to warm while brushing his teeth. He practically fell back to sleep until it dawned on him that he was, in fact, naked. Slowly, last night's escapades were coming back to him, and he figured he'd deal with it after his shower.

Getting dressed, he ran a towel through his wet hair and walked back out to the room, dressed in nothing but his khakis and dark green sweater. He didn't know where River was, which was okay because he could think back to last night. The whole night. He wasn't as sore as he was earlier, but his face seemed to get worse, and he could only imagine how bad River looked. Then the whole fight between him and Drew was a total mess. Cooper knew it wasn't any of his business, but he still had a lot of questions.

Like where was River the past three weeks? And why did he always disappear, according to Drew?

Right when his mind was going to drift to what they did in Rivers bed, he came in sweaty and in work out gear. Technically just joggers and a pullover, but it was obvious he just got done doing some type of work out.

"Oh, hey. I didn't think you'd be up." his face looked bad, but not to the point where he looked terrible. It kind if made him look more attractive.

Cooper remained quiet and just shrugged his shoulders. He was ready to go and go far away, possibly not see River for another week or so.

What they did last night, or rather this morning, was so wrong. The first time was a mistake, but this second time was a choice. 


Breaking out of his thoughts, he looked at River, who was just staring at him.


River gave him a wary look. "I said I was going to take a shower, and then I'll take you home."

"Oh, okay." He responded nonchalantly, which earned him another weird look from the other boy who made his way to the bathroom.

When River closed the bathroom door, Cooper felt the urge to snoop around and find answers, but his room was so boring that there was no use even looking.

Suddenly someone knocked, and Cooper's eyes went wide. The person behind the door knocked again, and he freaked out, not knowing if he should allow them in or not.

"Uh, c-come in," he stuttered.

In came Rivers maid, Alexandria. "Oh, hello, Cooper. How was your birthday?" She smiled at him and put a bunch of clothes on the bed. She looked at him again and frowned. "What happened to your face?"

"Oh, it's nothing; I just fell." He awkwardly smiled and got out of her way. "How have you been?"

She started folding towels and smiled at him. "I've been okay, just working." Their interaction was a lot different than the first time they met. She was much nicer and calm; it seemed as if she was in a talking mood, which made him think.

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