Sole Survivor

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   Possible TW: Major Character Death

   The plane is going down any time now. There's no getting out of that.

   The fan blade has caught the left-hand engine, making it lose power. And somehow ( a pilot's mistake probably from misreading the instrumentation) caused the right engine to lose power as well. They're about to go down.

   Komaeda whimpers under his breath, trying to keep his breathing under control, clutching tight to his armrests.

   "K-Komaeda," Hinata stammers, trying to calm his own nerves, reaching for their oxygen masks, "Breath with me, okay? I'm here for you."

    "I-I was foolish to think I could get on a plane without it happening again," He mutters to himself, "And now Hinata-kun is going to die because of it."

   The brunet reaches for his boyfriend, pulling him into a tight embrace.

   "At least if we're going down, we're going down together, right?" Hinata whispers, rubbing Komaeda's back as the plane begins to fall, "Everything is going to be alright."

   Try as they might, they can't quite block out the screaming and crying all around them as mechanical hellhole plummets towards the ground.

   Komaeda's tears start to fall as the brunet struggles to stay calm for the both of them.

   "Say, what's that song about the end of the world or something?" Hinata questions as they hit twenty-thousand feet, starting to sing, "As the world, as the world caves-Oh, it's you that I lie with/Yes it's you I welcome death with-"

   Ten-thousand feet.

   "As the world/as the world caves in. . .as the world caves in. . ."

   Five-thousand feet.

   "I love you!" Komaeda shrieks frantically.

   Hinata smiles sadly.

   "I love you too, my Nagito."


   The boy opens his eyes, meeting a white ceiling. He groans slightly, moving his head as he looks around the room, taking in his surroundings and recognizing the familiar setting of a hospital.

   A purple-haired girl comes into the room, looks down at him and jumps.

   "O-Oh, y-you're finally awake. M-Maybe now w-we can get your name, aha."

   "Plane," They mumble, "People, boyfriend."

   "A-Ah yes, T-They wanted me t-to tell you. . .u-uh, it's some r-really bad news, um. . .well. . ."

   "Just tell me."

   "E-Everyone. . .Everyone d-died. Y-You were the only s-survivor."

   The patient's eyes widen in horror.

   ". . .No. T-That can't be so! You're lying!"

   The nurse bows her head. "I-I'm sorry, er, um. . .W-What's your name, S-Sir?"

   ". . .Hinata Hajime."

   "H-Hinata Hajime. A-Anyways, your love ones w-will be here soon, s-so just try and relax."

   But the one he wanted most to come would not. Ever. 

   And he would never come again.

   Song is As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese

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