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  (I was not very creative with this lmao)

 Hinata's best friend is cute.

   Like, really fucking cute. And sweet and adorable and kind. He loves the way he can always make him smile, he loves the way he's there for him all hours of the day (since neither of them get much sleep as it is), he loves the way he can snap him out of his depression-induced hazes, he loves the way he always flirts back with him when he tries to tease him. 

   The way his wavy white locks always fall in front of his eyes is adorable. He thinks he looks good in everything he wears. He thinks Komaeda Nagito is the best person to ever exist. 

Hinata knows he's in love with him. And he's pretty sure Komaeda likes him back.

   The brunet lays awake all night, every night hugging his pillow, debating whether or not he should tell him. He means, he's very receptive to his flirting and teasing. He's the first person in a long time Komaeda was able to get close to, and they often joke about a future together. . .

   He decides that he's going to tell him.


   Komaeda is waiting with a big smile on his face on their usual lunch bench by the time he arrives and Hinata can't help but feel extremely nervous.

   He had confessed to a friend in the past, a friend that he had literally cuddled and kissed with several times beforehand, but it certainly didn't end well. Apparently they had a boyfriend (who turned out to be extremely toxic so they should have chosen Hinata but whatever) so why the fuck did they lead him on like that?!

   But no, this time, he's nearly certain Komaeda is going to accept him. He just has to get the words out again and hope for the best. Komaeda is a big believer in the power of Hope. 

   "Hey, Hi-na-ta-kun!" He trills, "You're a couple minutes late!"

   Hinata laughs nervously, sitting down next to him on the edge of the bench. "Sorry, I was just (getting a pep talk from Nanami). . .in the bathroom?"

   Komaeda frowns for a second, and then shrugs. "No problem. Sorry for prying-"

   "No, you didn't pry. I'd ask too, honestly." He sighs, hugging his bag to his chest, "So listen. . .there's something I really need to tell you. . ."

   Komaeda tilts his head to the side curiously. "Oh? Ah, alright. . .Did I do something wrong?"

   "No, no, of course not!" Hinata assures him hurriedly, "I just. . .I think. . .I. . .um. . .(just say it!) I'm. . .I'm in love for you," He exhales loudly, "I would like for you to go out for me!"

   Komaeda is silent, instantly making Hinata panic. He sneaks a glance at Komaeda, who seems to be deeply contemplating something.

   The brunet goes rigid. "Komaeda, I-. . .Look if you're not-"

   "No, that's not it," Komaeda interrupts, speaking very slowly, "I've just. . .never really thought about that before. Especially with you. . ."

   Hinata deflates slightly but still trying to keep his cool. ". . .Oh. So then. . ."


   "Can I have some time to think about it?" The lucky student asks suddenly. 

   Hajime bites his lip. "Huh, oh, uh, yeah. . ," He stands up, "I'm gonna go. . .I'm just going to go. . ."

   "Oh, you don't got to-"

   "No, I think it's best that I do."


   "FUCKING WHY?!" Hinata screams, punching one of the walls inside of his bedroom, "ALL OF THAT LEADING ME ON AND FOR WHAT?! YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT IT, HUH?! WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?! WHY WOULD I DO THIS TO MYSELF?! WHENEVER SOMEONE GIVES ME A 'MAYBE' IT ALWAYS ENDS UP BEING A 'NO'!" He sinks to his knees, burying his head in his hands, "The one person I thought could actually. . .Am I really just that unlovable?! The thought of being with me in a romantic sense is just unthinkable. . ?"

   His phone buzzes then, making the brunet raise his head slowly. He crawls across the floor to the end of the bed, grabbing blindly at his phone to read the text notification.

   Komaeda Nagito: Hinata, I. . .I can't. I'm sorry.

   That was all Hajime needed to see. 

   He hurls his phone at the wall with all of his might, shattering it instantly. 

   He grabs a pillow off of his bed, buries his head in it, and screams, tears streaming down his face.

   Seriously, what the fuck.

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