"You Don't Belong Here"

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(a little hurt, a lot of comfort, as a treat) (Sorry this is a day late)

"Everyone," Nanami announces, "This is my dear friend Hinata Hajime I told you all about. Thank you for allowing him to attend our weekly game!"

 Hinata flushes slightly, ducking his head and offering everyone in the room an awkward little wave.

 Everyone seems to be having a good time already. About six people are gathered in front of a giant television screen playing some sort of video game while everyone else from Nanami's class gathers behind them...well almost everyone.

  In the corner of the room, a tall boy with stunning grey-green eyes and cloud-like hair lounges with a blank expression on his face, barely looking over when Hinata's presence is announced, immediately intriguing him. He had the strangest urge to go over and introduce himself personally.

  The peach-haired gamer pats his shoulder. "I'm going to go get us drinks," She murmurs, "You go find something for us to do...maybe get us in on the next round, okay?"

  Hinata smiles and nods back, breaking away from Nanami and heading towards the corner where the boy stood. "Uh, hello!" He greets him brightly, "I don't believe we've been properly introduced; my name is Hinata Hajime."

   The fluffy-haired boy scowls at him, pushing himself off of the wall. "And I care why, Reserve Course?" He sniffs, making the brunet flinch, flustered.

  "I-uh, I don't know, um...sorry."

  The man (who later Nanami would point out as Komaeda Nagito) sniffs once more and stalks off, leaving a confused Hinata to wait for Nanami alone.
   "You don't belong here, Reserve Course."

    Hinata sighs. He's been getting this same greeting from the snooty lucky student ever since he's started visiting their class room to hang out with Nanami and all of his other new friends.

   "Yes I'm aware."

   "You're nothing," Komaeda continues, "Not even worthy to be the dirt on anyone else's' shoes. You're just a talentless leech, mooching off people whose existence has no meaning."

   "Shut up, Komaeda."

   "Hey Nagito, I'm sorry but can you just be quiet?" Nanami appears from seemingly out of nowhere, a drink in each hand, "You've taken it too far, that's enough."

   Komaeda sniffs. "Fine then. I'll leave this talentless garbage alone. . ."


   . . .

      . . .

         . . .

   Hinata stands in the bathroom of his cottage, glaring at himself in the mirror, from his mismatched eyes to his darkly-tinted hair. 

   Jeez, the things he did to fit in. To just get a talent to feel like he was worthy to stand next to his friends. Even though they claimed they were all equals and classmates now, Hinata still couldn't help but stand out.

   "You don't belong here." He hisses to himself. 

   "Hah-gee-may!" Komaeda sings out, "What's taking so long? Is everything alright?"

   The brunet grips the sink tightly, gritting his teeth as he tries to hold himself together.

   "Love?" Komaeda tries again, a little more anxious since he received no response.

   He slips off of their shared bed and slowly moves into the bathroom behind Hinata, wrapping his arms around his waist. "You look troubled," He observes, "Is everything alright?"

   "Do you only date me because I share a body with Izuru?" He asks suddenly, making Komaeda flinch, "Or if I didn't have access to their talents, would we even be dating? Would you even like me?"

   Komaeda shudders, turning Hinata away from the mirror so that he can look him directly in the eye. "Hinata Hajime, whatever are you getting at?" He demands harshly.

   He bows his head, shamed. "Sometimes I feel. . .like I don't belong here. Next to you all, you know, as a classmate. And my talents aren't even natural. I'm not supposed to be here. It's just like you always used to tell me how much of a leech I am and all of that talent stuff. . ."

   "I didn't push you into the Kamukura Project, did I?" Komaeda murmurs, sounding even-more stressed now.

   "No, no, that just me being a stupid kid being manipulated by the Academy," Hinata reassures him, "But it doesn't change the fact that you were as right then, just as much as it's right now."

   Komaeda pauses for a moment, thinking quietly to himself before tilting the brunet's chin up to look at him. 

   "Haji-chan, my love, I was also a stupid kid. I didn't know what the hell I was going on about back then, and you certainly didn't deserve any of that. It's not true now. It never was. Remember Nanami. Remember talent isn't everything. It's barely anything now. I love you and Izuru for who you each are, not because of your talents. Same for everyone else here on the islands. If you guys were to lose your talents tomorrow, it wouldn't change a thing for us, I promise." He vows, taking the slightly-shorter boy into his arms. 

   Hinata breaks down sobbing, allowing himself to be soothed and comforted by Komaeda. He takes his hand with his healthy one and leads Hajime out of the bathroom to sit down on the bed. 

   "You're amazing, Hajime, so amazing. God, I love you so much, you know that?"

   Hinata sniffs, smiling through the tears. 

   "I love you too. You always know the right things to say."

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