"I Can't Do This Without You"

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   Possible TW: Implied Major Character Death

   "Where is he?" Hinata demands, slamming his hands down on the table and glaring down at the receptionist, "Where is Hinata Nagito?"

   The receptionist jumps at his harsh tone before typing something into her computer with one hand, holding a visitor's pass out to him with the other. "He's in room seventy-two. You must be Hinata Hajime. You've made it in time. Will you be able to find your way around?"

   "I'm pretty sure I know my way around here well enough by now, thank you very much!" He snaps back before turning and dashing away.

   Hinata grumbles to himself, glaring at his computer screen. How many more hours before he could go home to Nagito? At least another six hours. . .Maybe if he worked fast enough he could leave earlier.

   Suddenly his phone rings and he hits the speaker button. "What." He grumbles. 

   "Hinata you've got an urgent call on Line One."

   "Tell them I'm busy."

   "Um, it's from the hospital. . .It's about Nagito."

   The brunet stiffens. "Put them through. Now!" He commands. There's some shuffling from the other side and then suddenly Dr. Takahashi, Nagito's doctor, is speaking with him.

   "Hinata-san, you must come down to the hospital right away. . .your husband. . .something happened-we're not entirely sure what happened but he's on his last legs. . .he's dying, there's nothing we can do. . .We're inviting you down to say goodbye."

   Hajime is silent for a second, processing. And then suddenly he's on his feet, gathering his things, already calling a cab for the hospital.

   Nagito, dying? So suddenly?! What?! How?! But he was just fine last time I saw him!

   Hajime bursts into his husband's room, eyes flying to the frail, sickly boy hooked up to about a dozen machines, barely moving or breathing.


   He's by his side in an instant, reaching for the dying boy's hand, grey-green eyes flickering over to meet olive green ones. "Hajime," Nagito rasps, ". . .Sorry to put a dampen on your day. . .with my death," He coughs, "A burden to the end. . ."

   "No, no, you're not going to die, Nagito. . .You're not allowed to! I do anything without you, life, family, bills, survival-I can't do this, any of this, without you, so-you cannot die!" Hajime insists firmly. 

   "Death has always been my neighbour. . ," Nagito huffs weakly, "I can sense it. . .It's my time. I'm just glad I get to say goodbye to the one I love most," His breathing grows a little shallower, "You. . .You made it just in time. I love you, Hajime."

   "I love you too, Nagito," He replies automatically, "But everything's going to be alright. You-"

   About half the machines start buzzing and beeping all at once as Nagito slips into unconsciousness. Before Hinata can do or say anything, doctors and nurses come rushing into the room with a crash cart, ushering him out of the room.

   They were going to try their best, but there was pretty much no chance Nagito comes out of this alive.

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