The Light Died In Their Eyes

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  Possible TW: Major Character Death, Suicide

 Hinata Hajime and Komaeda Nagito were childhood friends.

   They met at a young age the first day of Kindergarten. Komaeda was playing with the toy Hinata wanted to play with. He could still remember how Hinata had just ran up to him and slapped him without a word, not even giving him a moment or asking to give the toy up.

   That was the moment he decided he wanted to be friends with the shorter brunet boy. 

   They became inseparable, spending any time together they could. Hinata was brave and bold, always ready to speak his mind while Komaeda was soft-spoken and shy, content to go along with whatever he suggested.

   Komaeda didn't have the best home life but it wasn't too bad either. His parents didn't mean to have a child right away. I mean, they knew they had to produce an heir at some point to inherit the Komaeda name, money, and power but they wanted to wait a few more years. But then they found out they were going to have Nagito and that was that. They were constantly busy, not giving Nagito too much attention-he was more raised by the servants than his actual family-but he remained happy. There was always a sparkle in his eyes.

   Hinata was constantly amazed at how positive Komaeda could remain no matter the situation. He was always laughing and smiling, bringing happiness and light to those around him, Hinata included. He thought Komaeda was amazing. He was one in a million. . .

   The first time Hinata saw Komaeda after his dog got smacked by a truck right in front of him, guts splattering everywhere, the spark in his eyes seemed to die a little. It was haunting.

   Komaeda tried not to be mopey for long after that but the spark was never as bright after that. Try as he might, Hinata could never bring it back.


   Komaeda seemed so excited to go on a vacation with his family, all of them together. Hinata was extremely happy for him and wished for him to have a good time.

   He actually got to bond a little more with his parents on that trip and it seemed that his home life is going to be better for now on. The vacation was wonderful and he took so many pictures and had so many wonderful experiences. . .

   . . .Too bad on the plane ride home, everything went to hell all at once. It was hijacked and the plane went down, causing him to lose his parents but gain their massive fortune.

   The light in his eyes faded a little more.


   Hinata was worried when a few years later, Komaeda went missing for three weeks. He was absolutely panicked, unable to sleep or eat or concentrate on his work. What the hell had happened to him?! And was he coming back?!

   All of the times he tried to visit him, Komaeda wasn't home. Hinata was terrified.

   When Komaeda returned a little while later, he had immediately shown him the winning lottery ticket, smiling and laughing, carefree all of the while. But Hinata couldn't help but notice that his eyes were emptier than ever.


   He was there to comfort Komaeda when he got his diagnosis'. They had sat on top of Nagito's bed for hours in silence, Hinata's hand on his back. 

   Komaeda wasn't sure how much longer he could live like this. Life was too miserable and just not for him.

   His eyes may as well have been empty orbs by now.


   When Hinata had walked in on the body swinging from the ceiling that fateful evening, the light in his eyes had completely vanished.

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