"Don't Leave Me"

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Possible TW: Disturbing/Suicidal thoughts, panic/anxiousness 

   Hinata laid in his bed, staring up at the ceiling. He can't really make out much of the surroundings in his room due to the darkness of the lateness of the evening but that doesn't really matter. He would barely register them anyways.

   He lazily glances over at his alarm clock, noting the time. It's nearly midnight. Huh.

   'How pathetic.' The voice sneers.

   The brunet flinches. 'Ah. . .What?'

   'Are you just trying to relax, Hajime? Trying to get a peaceful rest, are we? . . .Do you really think you deserve that, you worthless excuse for a human?'

   "I. . ."

   'Mhm, thought so. Can't you just feel the sadness overwhelming you, you piece of  shit? You don't deserve anything. No one loves you. No one ever did. . .'

   Hinata sniffs, willing his tears not to fall. "Please. . .Stop. . ."

   'Everyone who's ever cared about you has abandoned you. No one loves you. No one ever did. The only reason anyone was your friend for extended amount of time was pity.'

   "No. . .These thoughts aren't true! It's just mental illness toying with me!"

   'Come on, now, Hajime. Deep down you know I'm right. Nanami was glad to finally die and be away from you. She was too nice to actually leave. Kai, Yuuri, Natsumi. . .everyone. . .they all left you one way or another. . .And even now your precious Nagito is planning to leave you.'

   "No. . .He promised he wouldn't. . .no matter what. . !"

   '. . .That's what Kai said.'

   "Hey Hinata."

   The brunet whips his head around to see a bunch of shadowy figures standing inside his room, surrounding his bed. And in the center of it all. . .Nanami.


   She tilts her head to the side. "Hey, Kamukura-kun. . .Why did you kill us? What are you even doing alive? Do you really think you should be alive," She holds her arms out, "After the thousands upon thousands you slaughtered?"

   Hinata's heart pounds loudly in his chest, palms racing. "N-No. . .I didn't mean to. . .I'm not them. . !"

   "Hinata. . .You should've died instead of all of us."

   "I. . .I. . ."

   He screams, making his throat burn in the process. 

   Then suddenly he hesitates. If he recalls, there's a knife in his dresser drawer, just in case.

   "Yes. . ." Someone in the crowd hisses.

   The bloody form of Nanami smiles. "Exactly. That's exactly right, Hinata-kun. . .Come with us."

   He looks up slowly, sliding out of bed and approaching the drawer. "I'll. . .I'm coming now. . .Nanami. . .san. . ."

   Just then, the door to his bedroom flies open and an anxious-looking Komaeda comes flying into the room.

   "Hajime. . !"

   His eyes widen, taking in his trembling, teary form. Something has definitely gone wrong here.

   Hinata's head snaps up, eyes moving around the room to finally land on Komaeda. All the others have seemed to vanish.

   He lets out a sigh of relief. 'Of course. . .It was just Nagito all along. . .'

   "Hajime, love?"

   The brunet flies into the slightly-taller boy's arms, sobbing into his chest and effectively ruining his shirt. Komaeda sighs, wrapping his arms him and holding him close, stroking his hair.

   "Hey, Hey, shh. . .Everything's okay now. Breathe with me, Hajime. Stay with me, don't you go anywhere. . ."

   "Nagito, Nagito, please. . .please don't leave me!" He sobs, "I know I'm a no-good, unlovable murder but please don't leave me!"

   Komaeda carefully leads Hinata over to the bed and sits him down. "Hey, Hey, shh. . .I'm not going anywhere, Hajime. Never."

   "I-hic, Everyone says that but go anyway. . .They promise, but. . .I'm just so awful!" And with that, the brunet struggles to breathe, tears descending from his eyes faster and faster.

   "Hajime, Hajime, can you tell me five things you can see?"

   "U-Uh. . .M-My bed, myself, the dresser, and you. . ."

   "Good! Four things you can feel, maybe?"

   "Um-hic, clothes on myself, t-the bed under us, the AC on my skin, a-and your arms around me."

   "Good, you're doing so well, Hajime! Three things you can hear, darling?"

   "Um. . .Your voice, the air in the AC, and the wind in the trees outside."

   "Mhm. Two things you can smell?"

   "Y-Your shampoo and the ocean."

   "Good! Now I don't think we really have to worry about taste! . . .Do you feel a little better now?"

   Hinata takes three deep breaths, clutching Komaeda's hand tightly. "Y-Yeah. . .Thank you. . .Nagito."

   Komaeda smiles, relieved. "Good, good. Do you want to tell me what was bothering you? You might feel even better if you talk about it."

   "O-Okay. . ."

   He then proceeds to fill Komaeda in on everything that just happened, every gory detail, him listening silently the entire time.

   "Hajime. . .I wish there was something I could say that could make this all go away. I'm really bad at this kind of stuff, um, I'm not going anywhere. Like, ever. I'm never leaving you. And, Nanami would never hold a grudge against you. We both know she wasn't like that. It was all fake, a hallucination, if you will. . .I can't promise things will get better right away but, um, we're all here atoning for our sins and growing together. We knew it was going to be hard, yes, but it won't be that way forever. . .I love you, Hajime. We'll get through this together." 

   "N-Nagito. . ."

   "Hey, it's okay, I've got you. . .I'm not going anywhere."

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