"You Have To Let Me Go"

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   POSSIBLE TW: Major Character Death, Implied Suicide

   ". . .It was all my fault, Hinata-kun," Komaeda murmurs, glaring it himself in the mirror, tracing the newly formed scars around his neck and face, "You promised you'd be safe from my luck cycle but you lied to me. You lied to me and look where that got us."

   Honestly, he could remember the day like it was yesterday. And that was probably because it was only two weeks ago and it had hurt so much. It still does. 

   "You really shouldn't dwell on the past any longer. . ."

   Komaeda grits his teeth, turning away from the mirror and stumbling back into the bedroom, practically collapsing onto the (formerly) shared bed. 

   For the past few weeks, he had been hearing Hinata's voice whispering little bits of encouragement and advice to him, trying to comfort him, etc. Even though he knew it was all merely a figment of his imagination, he appreciated it all the same. He's adamant on holding onto any remaining part of Hinata Hajime he can for however long he can.

   Anyways, it was a typical Tuesday night. Or at least, it was supposed to be.

   Komaeda was relaxing on the couch, re-reading one of his favorite novels, waiting for Hinata to get home from work. The brunet didn't think Komaeda was in the right headspace or physical health to currently have a job so he often worked long, late hours to provide for both of them, despite Nagito's insistence that he was capable of work.

   So yes, it was just supposed to be a regular evening. . .Until his phone buzzed with a text.

   "Stop thinking about it, Ko. . ."

   Hinata: Hey, I have to work a little late tonight, but, I still want to have dinner with you. Would you be alright coming down and meeting me at my office?

   Komaeda had smiled down at his phone, already making mental preparations to leave.

   Komaeda: Of course, Hinata-kun! I'll call a cab; I'll be there soon!

   Hinata: I'll be waiting. I'll order in for our favorite restaurant as well.

   Komaeda had raced down there all excited, happy just to be in close proximity of his beloved boyfriend. He had ignored the elevator and raced up the stairs instead, nearly collapsing due to poor stamina by the time he reached Hinata's floor.

   But when he got to his desk, said brunet was no where to be found. All that remained was a note.

   'Go to the roof, my love :)' It had read. 

   The fluffy-haired boy had been confused by this but never less complied. 

   And when he got there, he was greeted by the most beautiful sight. 

   Rose petals were scattered all over the ground, around a table with a white tablecloth, containing a nice bottle of wine in an ice bucket with two flutes. A little off to the side was the takeout Hinata had promised. And in the center of it all was Hinata himself, holding a small black box.

   "Hinata-kun," He had asked warily, not wanting to make the wrong assumption, "What is all of this?"

   The brunet had simply beamed back at him. "A marriage proposal, of course," He'd answered, taking a deep breath to prepare himself, "Okay, here it goes."

   He'd crossed the room, kneeling on the floor in front of him, and presenting him with a silver ring. 

   "Komaeda Nagito," He said, "I love you with all of my heart and soul, and I always will. Since the moment I met you, I knew you were the one for me. And I want to be together with you forever, I never want a single day to pass where I can't look into your gorgeous eyes or squeeze you scrawny little hands, haha. . .Anyways. . .please marry me!"

   Komaeda's eyes had welled up with tears as he had eagerly accepted the proposal, tackling Hinata into a giant hug.

   Their evening was filled with love and celebration, toasting each other, feeding each other, and just being desperately in love. . .

   But the good times couldn't last forever. At least, not with luck like Nagito's.

   "Seriously, Ko, don't re-live it again. . ."

   Hinata was the one who called the cab, not opting to use Hinata's own car since they were both too tipsy to drive. The drive was going smoothly, both of them barely paying attention to their surroundings since they were just so infatuated with each other. . .

   Neither of them saw that truck coming until it was too late. . .

   Komaeda had only received a few wounds, he would live and be fine. He was just lucky that way. Hinata Hajime however. . .

    Well, he died in the middle of the trip to the hospital.

   And it was all Komaeda's fault. He couldn't keep Hinata safe, not even from himself.

   "It wasn't your fault," Hinata's voice whispers, "You need to let it go, and more importantly, you have to let me go. . ."

   Nagito bursts into tears. "I can't!" He wails to the empty room, "I'm sorry, but I can't, I just can't! My existence causes problems to everyone, especially those I care about! I can't live like this anymore!"

   He leaps back to his feet, staggering slightly and stumbles back into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door behind him.

   "Hinata-kun, I'll join you now."


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