Beautiful lie

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Applejack's POV

I call Rainbow Dash cause I felt She was a little depressed.The phone rang for a long time but she didn't answer.I decided to check if everything was okay with her.I went to her home.I rang the bell and waited for the door to open.Soon the door opened.

"What are you doing here, Applejack?Why don't you go to your girlfriend instead?"

"Rainbow, we need to talk."I grabbed her arm.I entered and closed the door behind me.

"Please go Applejack."

"You're my friend, I don't want us to quarrel."

"Applejack, I can offer you more than love between a friend.You could be happy with me.But you chose another, so I ask you to go."

My eyes were full of tears that I could barely hold back.I also saw a few drops of tears in her eyes.She pointed the door at me with her hand, I walked towards the door I suddenly turned and walked towards her.

Rainbow Dash POV

Applejack approached me and we were so close we could almost kiss.I admit I wanted to kiss her.Not in such a way that when she also says that she loves me as much as I love her, then we can kiss.I looked her in the eyes and pulled away from her.

"Go away, Applejack."

"Do you really want that, Dash?Do you want me to go?"


"All right, I'll go."
She went and closed the door behind her.I decided to call my friend Pinkie Pie.Pinkie Pie is very happy with Fluttershy, I envy them a little.She answered soon.

"Hey, Pink."I greeted her, as cheerfully as I could for my condition.

"Hey, you too.You don't sound the best.Is something wrong?"

"No, everything is fine.It is probably such a day today."

"Are you sure?"

"I am."

"Fluttershy and I will come to you to make sure you're really okay."

"Pinkie it really isn’t necessary."

"We will come to visit you anyway.You have to try our goodies that we baked.Fluttershy and I are coming to you at eight in the evening, okay?We can't come before."

"I understand you.I'll be expecting you at eight o'clock."I hung up and started thinking about whether I made a mistake when I didn’t tell Pinkie Pie the truth.

Rarity's POV

My girlfriend was visiting her family.I was alone and bored until the doorbell rang.I got up from the chair where I was sewing clothes and went to open the door.Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie stood in front of me.They offered me some goodies that they baked.I took muffins, biscuits and a fruit pie.I invited them to come in, they didn't want to.

"In fact, we have to offer our products to others.Now let's go to the others." Said Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy hugged her across the hip and they left.I closed the door behind them and went back to sew the dresses.

Applejack's POV

I was walking down the road when a car was passing me and I didn’t notice it and it hit me.I was lying on the floor, feeling bloody.A gentleman came to me and asked me: are you okay madam?"I couldn’t answer him because I was unconscious.He asked me the same question again.Then he saw that I was showing no signs of life and began to revive me.After a good four minutes of resuscitation, he called paramedics.

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