Forget about everything

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Rainbow Dash's POV

Twilight was at my house.I offered her a drink.I invited her to sit on the couch.She nodded and sat down, I sat down next to her.We were sitting on the couch and accidentally she touched my hand.She turned a little red in the cheeks.

"Ooops, I'm sorry I didn't mean to."She said and quickly pulled her hand back to her.

"It's okay.What did you want to tell me?"

"Look, I know what I'm about to tell you has no effect on you because you're in love with Applejack.But I have to tell you the truth, I will understand your rejection."

I was quiet and listened to her.She turned to me and grabbed my face with both hands.It was a little awkward but at the same time enjoyable, I admit.

"I like you, you know?"

"How do you think you like me?As a friend?"

"No, more.I'm in love with you, Rainbow.I know you will reject me and I understand you.So it will be best for me to go."She got up from the couch and walked towards the door.I stopped her as I took her hand.She turned and looked at me.We watched each other and then I don’t know how but it happened.Mine and her lips touched.I broke the kiss.We looked into each other's eyes, it was a little weird.

"Sorry, I don't know what that was."

"Me neither."

"Maybe it'll be better if I go."

Twilight went to open the door and wanted to get out."Twilight, would you stay here tonight?"She looked at me."I mean the darkness is out and it’s late.It is not safe to be alone on the street at such an hour."

"Wouldn't you really mind?"

"Not at all.You feel at home, upstairs is the bathroom and guest room.My room is on the other side of the hallway opposite the kitchen.If you have nightmares you can come to sleep with me."


Rarity's POV

Sleeping with an Applejack is like being in heaven.We hugged while sleeping.I had a wonderful dream until she started mumbling in her sleep.I woke up.

"Is everything okay, Applejack?"I shook her hand to wake her up.She opened her eyes.She didn't say anything, she just hugged me.I stroked her hair.

"It's okay.Did you have a nightmare?"


"What was your nightmare if it’s not hard to tell me?"

"There was no such thing, Rarity, everything is fine.Fall back asleep."

"Can I get you a glass of water?"

"Is not necessary.I'll fall back asleep."

"Right."I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep again.

Twilight's POV

I took a bath in the bathroom of Rainbow Dash.After a while she came too, I was naked and I was a little uncomfortable.I quickly wrapped a towel around myself.She began to undress.It was a little slippery on the floor and I almost slipped.The last moment she caught me, I didn't fall.My towel fell right in front of her.I covered my red face hard as she looked at me.

"Twilight, you don't need to be ashamed in front of me.Look, I'm going to undress and go to the bath."She undressed, naked, and went to the bath.I picked up my towel and wrapped myself in it again.

"Twilight, would you stay here?"I didn’t know what to say, so I was quiet."Please Twilight I would need a conversation with someone. "

"Right.What do you want?"I sat down on a chair that was in the bathroom.I watched her while bathing.

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