Only with you

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Sugar's POV

I was lying in bed and decided to take a look at the curiosities about Iceland.I watched excerpts from movies, some series ...I was also interested in music, I played some Icelandic songs.I was most impressed by Hera Bjork, I was impressed by her vocal.I also listened to some band metal, rock and some techno punk.I also looked at traditional food.I also watched other Eurovision performances from Icelanders.I was most impressed by the 2003 songs If I have your love,2009, Is it true,2012 Never forget,2017 Paper,2021 10 years, I have to admit that even that song from 2019 isn’t bad either.I don’t understand anything at all, but I like the performance.Before going to bed, I played some songs from Dady freyr and a few more from the group before them a year or two earlier.I liked Dady Freyr’s vocals the most, and the other band takes you into the move.I listened to other songs from every artist who is the best song from ESC.My blues by Greta Salome,A few songs from Dady og Ganmanagnið  and the other band.Listening, I soon became sleepy.

Twilight's POV

I left the room.I felt anger and jealousy inside me.It was already late, so I decided to go to bed.I couldn’t sleep at night because I was thinking about Applejack and Rainbow Dash.Their image not left my head.I started thinking about how to separate them.I know this is too selfish, but I couldn’t help myself.I’m too in love with Rainbow Dash.I will do anything to separate her from Applejack.

Next day...
Pinkie Pie's POV

I woke up and went to the bathroom and arranged for a new day. Fluttershy was still asleep.I made her mint leaf tea and a slice of cheese.I left breakfast on her table because I had to go to Sweet Corner to work.Before I went to work I kissed Fluttershy on the forehead.I took the cookie and went to the car.I couldn't wait to put on my apron.

Fluttershy's POV

My morning started without Pinkie Pie.When I woke up she was not by my side.I got out of bed and went to the kitchen.There I saw a tray of breakfast.I sat down and ate breakfast.After breakfast, I went to the bathroom and tidied up myself.Then I went to the garden to get vegetables for my animals.The previous day it was raining and so there was mud in the garden.I put on my boots so I wouldn’t have too many muddy pants.I picked all the necessary vegetables and washed them because they were muddy.I cut vegetables for my animals and served them.

Twilight's POV

The morning was awful.I woke up every three hours.I had no plan today other than to put apart Applejack and Rainbow Dash.I called Rarity to help me with my plan.I was hoping she would want to help me.The phone rang for a while, and then she answered.

"What would you want, Twilight?"

"Good morning Rarity.We need to get somewhere.I have important information about Applejack."

"Applejack and I broke up.I'm not interested in anything about her.Sorry, Twilight.Why are you even interested?"

"Because they are together."

"Great!That's great news.I'm happy for them."

"Rarity, do you realize what you're saying?"

"Of course, I am aware of what I am saying.Twilight, stop being selfish.Rainbow Dash and Applejack deserve luck.Bye."

She hung up, and I angrily threw the phone on the couch.I dressed in the most seductive outfit, and got in the car.I drove a hundred an hour.I was driving so fast that I crashed.The car was on fire, I couldn’t get out of the flames.

Applejack's POV

I woke up happy.Until I saw the empty bed.There was no Rainbow Dash next to me.I got out of bed, and began to imagine that it was all just an illusion.It was too good to be true.I got dressed and wanted to leave.Before I opened the door I heard a voice.I turned around and Rainbow Dash stole me kiss.I broke the kiss and said.

"I thought you weren't there.I woke up and you weren't in bed.Where were you?"

"I was in the upstairs room, sorry if ..."I didn’t let her finish the sentence.I stole a kiss from her.

"This was good.Would you do anything special today?"

"We could visit your parents."

"Applejack, I thought we would do something on our own.We will visit my parents some other time."

"Fine.When are we getting married?"

"When will you want to.If you want to have a prestigious wedding, we will start preparations."

"I don't want a prestigious wedding.I just want my wedding to have the people who are most important to us in life.Let's get married tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?Don't you think it's too early?We can't prepare everything until tomorrow."

"Why?Should we prepare anything for why?We're getting married tomorrow, in secret, just the two of us.That way no one will know."

"What about your family?Only you are important to me.I don't need a family if I have you."

"I know, Applejack ...Are you sure you want this?This is a big step in our relationship."

"I am sure."

"Okay, so we're getting married tomorrow."


"Would you need a wedding dress?"


"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely.I don't need anything, just you."

"Are you sure you don't need a wedding dress?This is a special day in your life."

"Dashie,stop it.I don’t care how I dress, on my wedding day.Just to be together."

"Okay so no need for a wedding dress?''

"That's right.Let's spend the day together today."

We sat down on the couch and Rainbow Dash hugged me over the shoulder.I looked at her and wanted to kiss her.

"Applejack, do you still love Rarity?Are you still in love with her?"This question of hers surprised me.

"What are you asking me?"

"Answer me."

"No, I don't love Rarity anymore.We had some relationship problems some time ago.I prematurely stopped loving her as my girlfriend."

"Then why were you still with her?"

"Because when I visited you at home, Twilight opened the door.I wanted to talk to you, about us.I was ready for a new relationship with you.Just like I am now."

I told her that, and tears came to her eyes.I smiled at her and kissed her on the forehead.

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