You better admit it to me

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Applejack's POV

I decided to go to the match before it started.I looked for Rainbow Dash to talk to her.I found her as she sat on the bench and was engrossed in her thoughts.I sat down next to her and saw that her cheeks had changed to pink.We were completely silent.I broke the silence.

"How are you with Twilight?"I asked her the dumbest question.

"Fine.How are you with Rarity?"

"Quite good."

"Applejack, did you come just to ask me that?"She asked and raised her eyebrow.
I couldn’t answer so I was quiet.My lips pulled me to hers.I couldn’t help myself, so I kissed her.I soon felt her kiss me back.She broke the kiss.

"There is still some time until the match.Let's going to my room."

We went to her room when we arrived.Rainbow Dash took off her T-shirt and pushed me against the wall.

"Applejack, do you know you're the only one for me?No one can replace you."

"What about Twilight?"

"What about Rarity?Applejack, we can be together if we want to.I want to, the question is do you want that too."

"Nothing would make me happier than that."

"I love you, Applejack.I broke up with Twilight today."

"I haven't broken up with Rarity yet.I promise I'll break up with her tomorrow.She went to bed today."

"Would you marry me?"I looked at her strangely.

"Are you asking me to marry you?"

"Yes,I know you deserve a better engagement, but I've been thinking of asking you this since you started dating Rarity.So what will be your answer?"

"I don't know what to say."

"Just answer, I’ve been waiting five years for this moment.Honestly, since I finished elementary school, I knew you were going to be my wife.Now you just have to answer."


"Wait, I'll ask you the same thing again, but this time with a ring, as befits."She went to her knees and held the ring in her hand."Applejack, will you marry me?"

"Yes, I will."She put a ring on my finger and we kissed.I broke the kiss.

"Is something wrong, why did you break up?"

"No nothing."

"Can we continue?"

"Of course."We kissed again.This time the kiss was more passionate.She took off my shirt and went under my pants with her hand.Her other hand unzipped my pants.She pulled her first hand out of my pants.I took off my pants, and she pushed me onto the bed.She unbuttoned my bra and threw it somewhere.She started kissing me from the neck down, undressing the rest of my underwear with her teeth.She also threw my panties somewhere.She massaged my breasts with one hand and had it next to my intimate area with the other hand.

"Don't be afraid, Applejack.Leave it to me, let this be your memorable night.Let me show you that I love you.Let me love you as you deserve."

I didn't say anything, I let go of the flow of love.I soon felt her finger find its way into my intimate area.I grabbed her by the hair.I broke the kiss.She, on the other hand, pulled her finger out.She looked at me.

"You will miss the match."I told her.

"Applejack, you are the most important to me.I don't care if I miss a match.I want to be with you."She kissed me back again.

Pinkie Pie's POV

I brought Nathan a cocktail to calm down.Fluttershy went to talk to Thaddeus.Yemen and Ivar also tried to comfort him.

"Everything will be fine."

"I shouldn't have said those words to him.Now he’s definitely thinking about breaking up with me.I'm a bad boyfriend."

Fluttershy returned, along with Thaddeus.

"Thaddeus deserves someone better than me.I understand he wants to break up with me."

"Nathan."He placed his hand on his shoulder.Nathan turned and saw him.He wiped away the tears with his hand."Do not Cry''

"I love you, Thaddeus."

"I know, I love you too."

"Oh, look how beautiful and romantic."The boys kissed.Everyone applauded, and then Thaddeus pulled a box out of his pocket.He went to his knees and opened the box.

"Nathan, even though your screaming gets on my nerves sometimes, I have to say you're a great person.Anyone who would like to be with you would be overjoyed.But you chose me, and I therefore ask you:Will you be my husband?"

I hugged Fluttershy over the shoulder while we all waited for an answer.

"Yes, I will be happy to be your husband."He put a ring on his finger and they kissed.Fluttershy and I also kissed.

"I love you Thaddeus."

"I love you too, Nathan."

"I love you Pinkie Pie."

"I love you Fluttershy strongly, infinitely, without limits, always."

"How sweetly romantic."Yemen said.

"A little too much for my taste."Said Ivar.

"It's still very nice.I’m glad Nathan has found his soul mate."

"Me too.They are a very nice couple.We have one pair of lesbians and gays.We are missing another bisexual, pansexual, asexual and something else to be found."

Fluttershy and I went to Nathan and Thaddeus and congratulated them.

Twilight's POV

I decided to surprise Rainbow Dash during the match.When I arrived, I found out that she was not at the match at all.I decided to go to her room.The door was ajar as I entered here, shock.I spotted Rainbow Dash and Applejack, in a tricky situation.Jealousy is boiling from my head.Rainbow Dash broke the kiss with her, and put on her T-shirt and came up to me.Applejack covered herself with a blanket.

"What are you doing here Twilight?"

"Admit that you love me."

"What?What are you saying Twilight?"

"You better admit to me,say:I love you Twilight."

"I will not.The only person I really love is Applejack."I rolled my eyes and jealousy prevailed.I couldn’t help myself right away I kissed her.This time she broke off the kiss immediately.

"What are you doing Twilight?Are you crazy?"

"But you kissed me back before.Did you forget?It was raining all over us, I kissed you and you kissed me back."

"You're crazy, Twilight."

"Let Applejack know what you really are and that you are not loyal to anyone."

"Go Twilight!Leave me and Applejack alone."She tried to push me out of the room.

"You won't get rid of me so fast.I am the only one right for you.Remember that Rainbow Dash."

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