Broken heart

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Rarity's POV

I went home to change.I picked up the phone to call Twilight.I felt a little bad because I had to break her heart.I pressed the call key and then hung up.After a while, she called me back.I took a deep breath and answered the call.

"Hey, Twily."

"Hey, Rare.Why did you call me and then hang up?"

"Am ..."I procrastinated with the answer.

"Is everything okay?"

"Twilight, I'd like to talk to you."

"All right, my friend Sugar's family is having a picnic.They invited us, we can meet a few minutes before the picnic and talk."

"That's a great idea.But I don’t think I’m going to stay on a picnic."

"Why, do you have any business?"

"I'll tell you everything when we meet.Where do we meet?"

"Remember the old house where I showed you my family photo?"

"Your old uncle?"

"Yes.So you know where that is, don't you?"

"I know."

"Well, so we get there."

Sugar's POV

My mother and I tidied up the garden.Mom then went to the kitchen to prepare meatballs for Twilight.I was making placemats for the family.My older sister Reya came to help me.

"Let me help you split the plates."She said and took the plates from my hands.

"You prefer to prepare utensils and napkins."She ordered me and I went for napkins.

"Let's spin some music so we can work in rhythm.It will be more fun."

"I agree."I picked up the phone and started playing Cesar music.We had a lot of fun listening to music.

Rainbow Dash's POV

Trixie and I met at a coffee shop down there.We ordered a double espresso.

"So what will be a good Dash?"

"Trixie, remember when we solved a school trip together?"

"I will never forget this day as we became very good friends from then."

"I would like to ask you for advice."

"Here are your coffees and a free donut."The waiter brought us the orders.We thanked him and I asked him for a bill.Then he left and Trixie and I continued our conversation.

"What advice would you like from me?"

"Love advice."I blushed a little I admit.

"Would you like to invite someone out, or would you like to confess to someone?"

"None of that."



"Tell me who we're talking about."

"About Applejack."

"Are you still in love with Applejack?"

"Yes I am.Will you help me or not?"

"Fine.Tell me more."

"I would love to be with Applejack, but on the other hand she is still in love with Rarity.So I told her yesterday that she could be with Rarity again."

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