Bitter separation

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Applejack's POV

I waited for Rarity to return.I ate the rolls Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie brought me.Soon someone knocked on the door, it was Rarity and i was so excited and I told her to enter.

"Hey darling."She greeted me.She sat down on a chair next to my bed.

"Did you talk to Twilight?"

"I am."

"What did she say?Was she angry, disappointed she has a broken heart?"

"Calm down Applejack, it's okay.Twilight expected something like this.She understood."She took my hand.

"So does that mean we can be together again?"I told her with a lot of anticipation in my eyes.

"That's right, we'll be together again."She approached me and I approached her.Slowly we both closed our eyes and felt each other’s lips.

Rainbow Dash's POV

I listened to Trixie’s advice and went to Applejack.I knocked on the door because she didn't say anything, I entered.My heart broke into a thousand pieces when I saw her kissing Rarity.I quickly ran out in tears.Some nurse saw me and asked me what was wrong.She saw me come from the room where the Applejack lies.

"I'm sorry."The nurse told me.I looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

"I saw a girl with violet hair enter her.I guess you saw them together."

"How do you know?"

"You look very much in love with her.You love her."

"Is this really so much seen?"

"More than you realize yourself.I have a coffee break, you would talk to me?Talking to a stranger sometimes helps more than to someone we know."

"Okay maybe you're right."I agreed to talk and have coffee with her.We went to their canteen, she brought two long coffees with cream.

"We haven't introduced ourselves yet.I'm Appleglow."She gave me a hand in greeting.

"I'm Rainbow Dash."

"Nice to meet you.Tell me something about yourself Rainbow Dash."

"I don't know what to say."

"Tell me what's on your mind."

"I fucked up when I told Applejack to be with Rarity again.Now that I saw them kissing, my heart broke into thousands of pieces.I would like to fix this somehow, and without hurting the person I love."

"I’m sure she feels the same way."

"I wouldn't say.She loves Rarity."

"That doesn't mean she doesn't love you.Give her some time to gather and she will find that she loves you more than a friend.I guess you're friends."

"That's right, you guessed it.Do you have anyone?"

"I’m still waiting for that right person."

"Sorry to ask, are you straight or gay?For girls, this is sometimes so hard to distinguish."

"Bisexual.I like girls and boys.Three years ago, I dated both at once and was pansexual."

"So where is this moment dragging you?Would you rather be with a girl or boy or both?"

"I'd rather have a boy now.I’ve been dating girls for the last two months."

"I wish you good luck."

"Me to you too.And don’t forget that love comes to you on its own.Never give up."

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