Thank you for being with me

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A week later ...

Rarity's POV

Applejack was ready to go home.At home, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy were preparing a surprise party for her.She signed some things and then we were able to leave.

"Do you have everything?"I asked her.She nodded."Then come.FlutterPie is preparing something .."


"Do not be curious.All in right time."

"Right."She rolled her eyes and I put my hand over her shoulders.

Starlight's PoV

I came after a long time from the school center where I am have finished practicing for science.After a long time, I saw old friends again.Well almost all the friends except Pinkie, Fluttershy, Rarity and Applejack.

"Hey, Light."I was greeted by Rainbow Dash.I greeted her back.

"How was school?What did you learn?"Trixie was interested, she's my best friend.

"I'm also interested in what you've learned.Maybe I'll go there too."

"Especially now that you're done with Rarity, right?"Sunset told her.

"That's right."

"Wait, you dated Rarity?What did I miss? The last time Applejack and Rarity were together was when I went.What has changed since then?"

"A lot, but nothing at the same time."

"What do you mean, Sunset?"I asked her.

"Applejack and Rarity are together again, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie have been together for quite some time, Twilight broke up with Rarity, Rainbow Dash is dying to be with Applejack and I have for some time relationship with Flash."

"But where are the other girls?"

"At Pinkie Pie, they are preparing a surprise party for Applejack at home, which has just returned from the hospital.I mean just Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie.We should go there to help me too."

"I agree with Twilight.Let’s go there and help them get everything perfectly ready when they get there."

"You just go, I'm not going.I can't be there.You understand me, don't you?"

"Of course we understand you.Too bad you won’t be there, but I know it’s hard when you see a person you love with another."

"Thanks for understanding me.You are best friends, mine."

We hugged and left.Rainbow Dash went her own way.

Rainbow Dash's POV

I said goodbye to the girls and went my own way.I really didn’t want to go there and see Applejack with Rarity.I began to wonder when I became as shy as Fluttershy.Although now Fluttershy is far from shy.She has changed completely.Every time I have the opportunity to talk to Applejack, I become shy.That really isn’t like me.

"Enough Rainbow Dash, get together."I said to myself and slapped myself on the cheek.I really need to get together, and if I don’t tell her today, I’ll be sorry for the rest of my life.I decided to go to the party too, which it will be.

Applejack's POV

Rarity and I got to Sweet Corner.We entered and everything was quiet and no one anywhere.Then I turned on the light and everyone shouted "Surprise"I was really surprised, Rarity kissed me on the cheek.All my friends were there and hugged me.While hugging, I realized there was no Rainbow Dash next to them.we let go of the embrace.

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