Apple trees are already blooming

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Twilight's POV

My mom would love to meet the person I am in love with.I would love to tell her about Rarity but she is very old fashioned.

"So what's your boyfriend's name?"

I am very reluctant to lie to my own family.I lied to them this time."Jack is his name."

"When will we meet him?When it's time for that."I talked to my mom and at the worst moment we got a visit.Sugar knocked on the door.She is my friend from kindergarten, she knows me and knows everything about me.My parents love her as if she were part of the family.

"Hey Twi.How are you?"

"Um, good."I murmured, my brother came home from work.He greeted Sugar.

"How's your girlfriend, are you still together?"

Mom got angry."What is she talking about?"She took my hand roughly.Tears began to flow from my eyes.

"Mom, let her go."My brother defended me.

"Do you even realize what a shame you're putting us in?"

"I'm sorry!"I started crying loudly and ran out of the house.Sugar came after me.

"Hey Twi, sorry it's my fault.I thought they already knew about your sexual orientation."

"It's not your fault.The last time we talked, I was really telling you that I was going to tell my parents the truth."

"I feel so very responsible about it.Let me repay you."

"It really isn't necessary."

"Let me let you stay at my house for a few days.At least until things calm down with your parents."

"You are very kind Sugar, but I have my own apartment."

"Okay, I understand."

Applejack's POV

They took me to the hospital.I woke up from unconsciousness.The doctor is examining me.

"Do you realize what happened?"

"I think I was hit by a car.I don’t know exactly, I just know I was lying on the floor."

"You were saved by a gentleman who gave you artificial respiration."

"Who he is I would like to thank him."

"I don’t know exactly, I just know there’s some middle-aged gentleman with rainbow hair."

"Thanks."I thanked him.

"Now rest."He closed the door behind him.Soon someone knocked on the door of the room I was lying in.It was Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash's POV

I saw Applejack a little battered on the hospital bed.I stepped closer to her.

"I heard what happened to you, my father told me he saved your life.Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Dash."

We were quiet for a while.Then I said, "I'll let you go your own way.I know you still love Rarity."

"If I could command my heart, I would tell him to forget about her."

"Unfortunately, we cannot command the heart.Just as I am in love with you, you are in love with her."

"I'm sorry."

"Do not worry,we're still best friends, aren't we?"

"Of course we are."We hugged.I felt like we were together.

Rarity's POV

I got a message on the phone.At first I thought it was a message from Twilight, but then I saw it was a message from an unknown sender.I read the message and immediately got in the car towards the hospital.I parked in the parking lot in front of the hospital.

"Sorry, which room is Applejack in?"I asked the nurse.

"In the sixth room left.Are you her friend?"She asked me, I nodded and looked for the room where Applejack was.When I got to the door I knocked on the door and entered.She already had Rainbow Dash with her, I became a little jealous I admit.Even though I’m with Twilight, deep in me I still love Applejack.

"Hey, Rare."She greeted me.Rainbow Dash greeted me with a wave.

"So you two would probably like to talk, right?"

"If you don't mind."I told her.

"It's okay with Applejack, we've all agreed.I’m going to go to Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie to apologize to them for yesterday.Have a nice time."

Rainbow Dash left and Applejack and I were left alone in the room.I walked closer to her on the bed where she was lying.I took her hand and again I felt that spark between us as it used to be.

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