It's over

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Rarity's POV

I am very happy that Pinkie Pie came to visit me.She could help me with completing the customer orders.I like that she also has a sense of fashion.

"Would you like a drink, have you had breakfast yet?"

"I already had breakfast.Have you had breakfast yet?"

"Me too.''

"By the way, where's Applejack?"

"She went to visit Rainbow Dash."

"Rainbow Dash?"She looked at me in surprise.I nodded to her."Aren't you jealous because she's with her?"

"No, I’m not jealous because I have no reason to be."

"What do you mean?"

"Let’s say she’s going to have a girlfriend like me soon, too.I can't tell you anymore."

"Say at least the name of the person.I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Pinkie promise?"

She nodded and made me a Pinkie promise.This promise must never be broken.

"So who is it?"


She looked at me in amazement.Then she caught her breath and said:"Twilight ?!"

"That's right, she's in love with Rainbow Dash.Please don't break your promise."

"Rarity, who do you have me for?I would never break the Pinkie promise I remembered myself."

"I know, I'm sorry.Can I give you a hug to apologize?"

"Okie dokie!😁"I hugged her.

Pinkie Pie's POV

I let go of the embrace that Rarity and I shared.I decided to offer her help in completing her orders.

"Thanks, Pinkie, you're very kind.With your help, I will finish faster."

"What do I have to do?"I asked her what I needed to do and she gave me instructions.

"Would you mind if I turned on the radio?I prefer to work with while listening to music."I said.

"No, not at all.I also often work on my own while listening to music.Find a good station on the radio."

"As you say."I went to the radio and found a station with pop and rock music.The song Sweet child o mine was played on the radio.This is my Fluttershy’s favorite song.

Applejack's POV

I placed the cup of coffee back on the table.I was alone with Rainbow Dash and I had a great opportunity to tell her.She got up from her chair and carried away the cups.

"Rainbow, sit back, please.I have something important to tell you."

"Applejack, I just take the cups to the kitchen.I'll be right back."

"It's important."I took her hand.She rolled her eyes.

"Okay, what is it?"

"I think I am..."

"Why did you shut up?Say it to the end, Applejack."

I was amazed to see Twilight dressed in her T-shirt.She walked closer to her and kissed her on the cheek.Jealousy began to build inside me.

"Hey, Applejack.''Twilight greeted while she hugged Rainbow Dash across her chest.I got up from my chair and left her house.I walked to the car and could barely hold back my tears.It’s over now, I lost her forever.It will be best if I go home to Rarity.I waited for her to accidentally run out to me, but she wasn't there, so I got in the car and drove away.

Rainbow Dash's POV

I was very embarrassed when Applejack saw me with Twilight.I know I’m with Twilight just to forget about her.It will be hard to forget about her when I see her every day.Maybe it would be better if I suggest Twilight that we go on a trip for a week.That way, I’ll spend more time with her and not think about Applejack.Twilight made her own breakfast.She sat down at the table next to me.

"Twilight, would you like to go on a trip for a week with me?"

"Where would we go?"

"I do not know.We could go to the spa."


"There is not only a spa, also a swimming pool, a slide, in the evening there is live music and lots of fun things.''

"Sounds like fun.When are we going?"

"The day after tomorrow.I have to book rooms via computer."

"What was Applejack doing here?"She asked me while eating.

"She wanted to tell me something, but then you came and she left."

"Well, there was probably nothing important to say."

"You're probably right."I got up from my chair and started clearing the table.Twilight helped me.I knew only she could help me forget about Applejack.I lifted her onto the kitchen counter and kissed her passionately.She kissed me too.I took off her shirt.She hugged me with her legs.We kissed and I ran my hand slowly towards her lower body.She didn't resist so I kept going.I picked her up from the counter and carried her to the bed in my room while kissing.I gently laid her on the bed.I took off my clothes myself, we were both completely without clothes.

Pinkie Pie's POV

Rarity and I finished our work.After the work was done, we indulged in pampering.I massaged her feet and she massaged me.I did her make up, she was very happy and she to me.We also arranged our hairstyles with each other.Then came Applejack and it looked awful.She went into the kitchen, opened a cupboard of spirits, and poured herself a glass.She drank it on ex.I went to her when she saw me she hugged me and started crying.I patted her on the back.

"What is wrong?"I asked her.And let her out of my arms.

"Rainbow Dash ..."She said while crying.

"What about her?"

"I'm interested too."Rarity came.She went to Applejack and kissed her on the cheek.Applejack pulled away from her and walked away from her.I looked at them and hugged Rarity over my shoulder.Then I went to Applejack.

"Applejack, what's wrong?"I asked her.She didn't answer me.

"Rarity, did you know Twilight and Rainbow Dash are a couple?"

"I didn't know.All I knew was that Twilight was in love with Rainbow Dash."

"That's why you were so calm this morning when I told you I was going to visit her."

"Why bother you Twilight and Rainbow Dash are together?You have a girlfriend.They are both alone."I told her.

"Are you mad at me, Jackie?"Rarity asked her and hugged her over her shoulders.Now Applejack has embraced her too.

"I'm not mad at you."

"Sorry I didn't tell you before.I love you and I don't want to lose you."She told her Rarity and they kissed.

"Oh, how beautiful and cute."I said and left them alone.I left her house and picked up the phone to call Fluttershy.Looking at them, I also started to miss my girlfriend.

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