Thank you for dreams

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Twilight's POV

I was still sitting at the table along with Rarity and Applejack.Applejack then left and I was left alone with Rarity.We were both quiet for a while and then I speak.

"I see you and Applejack are together again."She didn't say anything.I thought she was ignoring me and angry at me.I got up from my chair.

"Sit back in your chair, please."She told me and I turned and walked back to her.I sat back in my chair.

"I would really need to talk to you.I have a dilemma."

"What dilemma?"I asked her.

"I saw Applejack with Rainbow Dash."

I looked at her in amazement."Rainbow Dash was there?When?"

"They were sitting on a bench outside.Since because i came they haven't had time to talk.I don't know what it would be like if I didn't come."

"Why do you think so?Applejack loves you.You two are the perfect couple."

"Thanks for thinking so, Twilight.But I think Applejack’s love for me is slowly fading.I hope things settle down when we are alone on the trip."

"Are you going on a trip?"

"Yeah I convinced her."

"Don't worry about Rainbow Dash."


"Because I'll tell you a secret.Don't tell anyone, okay?"

"I will not.You can trust me."

"I know."I took her palm, and she placed her hand on mine."I am in love with Rainbow Dash."

"How long,what do you mean?"

"I've liked her for a long time."

"We were still together when you liked her?"

"Yeah, we were already together then.Not long ago, I became like her.I hope you are not angry."

"Angry, why would I be angry darling?I wish you all the luck in the world.You deserve it."

"Thank you, I wish you the same."We got up from our chairs and hugged.

Rainbow Dash's POV

I sat at home and watched TV.I ate popcorn while watching a movie.It was a romantic drama about two main actors who are in love with each other.The first has a girlfriend, and the second is in love with the first.Then in the end they both find out that they have always been in love.A similar story is about us with Applejack.It's just that we're not going to have a happy ending.I wish Applejack would change her mind and knock on the door.

Applejack's POV

I went back to Rarity and Twilight.They hugged and I wasn’t exactly jealous.Then they let go of the hug.I went to Rarity.

"Have you heard the latest news?"

"Not what is it?"

"Twilight is in love again."

"Congratulations Twilight."

"Thanks."She blushed.

"Who is the lucky one you are in love with?"

"Rainbow Dash!"Rarity said, covering her mouth with her hand.Twilight looked at her a little angry."Ooops, sorry I couldn't hold back.This is such great news."I became jealous.

"Is that really what saying Rarity?"I asked her and she nodded.I got a weird feeling inside me.I can’t describe that feeling, I just know I have feelings for Rainbow Dash.I also know I have to admit this to her before it’s too late because I have competition now.

"Rarity, can we go home?I don't feel the best."

"Are you okay?What hurts you?"

"I'm a little weak.It'll probably be better when we're home."

"You're probably right.Come on, let's go."Rarity and I said goodbye to the others and went home.It was eight minutes past nine in the evening.When we got home I went to the bathroom to tidy up.I took a bath and then went to bed right away.She went to watch television.Then she came to my bed for a while.

"Are you feeling any better already?"She asked me and I forced a smile on my face.Then she kissed me goodnight.We wished each other good night and fell asleep.She placed her hand over my hip.I hugged her too.I closed my eyes and believed that only she was right for me.

Twilight's POV

I, too, said goodbye to the others and slowly made my way home.I decided to visit Rainbow Dash and admit to her how I feel about her.I rang her doorbell, she opened the door for me.I entered.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No you didn't.I had no intention of going to sleep at all."

"Then can we talk?"

"Sure, would you like a drink?"She offered me a drink.

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