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Caroline looked at the backseat and seen Elena sleeping. She knew that talkng about it made her uncomfortable so she was happy that she was asleep.

"Are you ever going to tell me what is wrong? Why you two and the Bennett witch aren't on good terms."

"We were until she started dating your brother." Caroline looked at him she knew that even though he acted as if he didn't have a heart he did and thqat this would take a toll on him too."Which brings me to the reason that we had to get out of town."

"Which is?"

"You might want to pull over for this one." Her voice rang with her worry this was not easy.

"Ok." Klaus pulled over to the side of the roll and stopped his car. He was confused on why she had said it like that and knew that something was wrong.

Caroline looked back at Elena making sure that she was still sleep she didn't want her to have to hear this or talk about it again."Do you remember the night when you and Tyler had to switch bodies. And Elena disapeared before Rebekah could make them drive off the bridge."


"She didn't jump out the car like Matt said. Kol stopped the car first on the backroute and took the vervain bracelet and compelled him to keep going and not to worry about Elena who was scared out of her mind. He raped her Klaus and she's.....she's different since that night. She stutters she doesn't like anyone but me or Jeremy touch her. She was scared to let my mother hug her. Or Meredith." She took a breath."She is terrified of anyone even Stefan the bunny eating vampire. Even Damon who would never hurt her she was scared to be touched by anyone and its because of what he did to her."


"Do you know why Katherine stayed away from Elijah. She found out that Doppelgangers can get pregnant by originals. Vampire or human. And she just happened to get extremely unlucky. Not only did she get pregnant she's pregnant because she got raped. And she now she stutters and doesn't talk to anyone unless its me or Jeremy.  She doesn't like people she got uncomfortable when Stefan sat next to her she won't let Bonnie touch her. Bonnie her best friend who is there for her more than i ever was."

"There's more isn't-"

"Jeremy and I agreed it would be best if we could leave but i didn't havea  way out Elena said she wouldn't take Jeremy's life from him. He's going back to Denver and I'm staying with her she deosn't trust anyone else and i can't leave her alone. I know that this is a lot but its the best i got for now your the babies uncle and she said no matter the circumstances she isn't getting rid of her baby."

"If Kol-"

"He needs to go back in a box Klaus he's going to find out and he's going to get upset but you won't be his target i will she will because i am hiding her because she got pregnant. For all we know he could turn around and try to take her. Keep the baby kill her. You don't know how your brother will react neither do I. But we have to be somewhat prepared."

"What makes you think Kol is going to care."

Her phone started ringing she pulled it out and put it on speaker."Mom are you ok?"

"He wants to know where you are?"

Caroline looked at Klaus."That. Mom don't tell him anything he won't find us if its one thing that their good at its hiding he is not getting Elena."
Liz hung up the phone and stared at the crazy original."I don't know where they are the only thing my daughter told me was that she was leaving with Klaus and Elena she never mentioned a where."

"Next time your daughter calls you make sure you tell her that she can't hide anywhere because i will find Elena and take her and there is nothing my brother or her can do about it."
Caroline was irritiated she couldn't believe that he was threatening her mother. She pulled out her phone and called Elijah he would be able to help.

"Miss Forbes."

She didn't know what she was supposed to say so she just blurted."Kol raped Elena and now she's pregnant 2 and a half months and he knows and he's trying to take her and he's threatening my mom. And she's scared out of her mind she won't even let anyone touch her."

"I'll see if i can find my brother."

"Thank you"
Kol met his sister at the border."Do you think you can find her Kol, Klaus loves Caroline he ain't giving her up so easily."

"I overheard Jeremy saying he's going back to Denver let me worry about getting her you worry about not letting our brothers know where were heading."

Rebekah crossed her arms over her chest and smirked"Italy here we come a secluded house and i got witches who already going to be of use and DNA from each of them i'm ready."

Why do y'all think they want Elena and the Baby??

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