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2 months later

Caroline was sitting in the grill waiting on Klaus she was sitting with Elijah. They had sent him on a simple mission do whatever it takes to get the werewolf slut to trust him. Anymeans nessacary. Which he did indeed question when she had sait it. But she meant it she wanted her best friend back."Where is he? I said any means nessacary get the little wolf slut to tell us what she knows even if he had to sleep with her and then meet me at the grill my instructions were simple."

Klaus walked in and had a seat next to his brother across from Caroline. He had learned somethings that were going to be useful to the group and that could help them.  But he had not been fond of doing it at all."Sorry Love i had to take a cold shower."

"Ok what did you learn?" She didn’t care now she just wanted to know what kol had up his sleeve and how they were going to be able to find Elena.

"He has trackers on us that are constantly going he knows where were going to be and when and Rebekah is with him." He knew that it wasn’t going to be easy to find him he was taking all the precautions as to not be found.

"Excuse me that blond bitch no offence is with him helping him.” She should have figured that Rebekah hated Elena as much as anyone so why not help him hide her from everyone. She already couldn’t stand the blond and she knew that this was just going to complicate things further. “I'm gonna kill her. So how do we find them"

"We backtrace their trace and make it seem like were still here." He knew that it was going to take them awhile to do that backtrace but it was all that they had for right now.

She groaned she was looking for a fast solution and this was certainly not it. It was going to take them forever to find her. And she didn’t know what Kol was going to do. "That could take months."

He knew that she wasn’t going to like his answer but they didn’t really have any options right now. It was either they could do this or it could all go down the drain. "It's all we got."

"She should be calling me soon" She had noticed that the calls were starting to get less and less frequent and she didn’t like that it was scarying her.

They were now sitting in the Mikaelson manor when Caroline's phone started to ring. She was happy she finally was calling. She wanted to know how her best friend was doing and if she was ok. "How are you?"

"I hate being pregnant i feel like a fucking whale." Insecurity about being pregnant was getting on her nerves. It was a new feeling for her and she did not like it.

"Oh my god your hormones are kicking in have they gone crazy yet." She hoped that they did it was what they deserved for kidnapping her. She hoped that why she could that she was giving them hell. And she wanted the confirmation that it was more than just Kol there.

"Yes they have they are giving me the stink eye are you ok?" He had adjusted the compulsion so during the talks that she would have with Caroline she would not give anything away yet.

"Yeah we’re making progress which is always a good thing i'll see you soon." She knew that it wasn’t quite good for Kol or Rebekah but it was good for them.

"Don't make promises that you can't keep Care." She knew that her best friend was a travel but not that much of a traveler.

"I am not kidding but i'll let you go.” She knew that she wasn’t going to be on the phone to later. “Do me a favor and just get on their nerves for me, "


"Talk to you tomorrow." She wished that she could talk to her best friend more but she knew how it was. And that she didn’t have very many choices right now.

"Ok "

“When can i open my eyes?” Elena didn’t know what the two originals had to show her but Rebekah was excited about it.

“Soon.” Kol knew that his sister was baby crazy but he never truly knew to what extent until now.

He followed Rebekah leading her to the room. She had a surprise for the two and she really hoped that they liked it. She found that if Elena had actually liked her she was not to bad a person. She could see herself being friends with her. But she had to remember it was only because of the compulsion. “You two ready?”

“Why didn’t he have to close his eyes?“ She didn’t think that it was fair that he got to see what was going on and she couldn’t.

“So he can make sure that you don’t fall.” That and she knew that her brother wasn’t going to listen to what she had to say anyways.

“Excuse me.” She knew that she had a couple times that she had accidentally mistepped but that didn’t mean she couldn’t handle herself,

“You got clumsier.” She hadn’t thought thaat it was possible but seeing Elena now she could see that she had gotten it wrong.

“I’m pregnant.” Elena reminded she had found that being pregnant she was extremely unbalanced which they called clumsy.

“Which is why he is leading you now? Open.” She opened the door as Elena opened her eyes. She gasped seeing the room in front of her.


“I figured i would take something off your plate.” She knew that the baby itself was not about to be easy for them so she figured that she could do something. And this was her specialty.

Elena walked in looked around she loved it.

A/N: so the next chapter is going to be a time skip to after the baby is born to get on the road with them finding her and the compulsion coming undone.

So two options for how she reacts
Mad that he compelled her never wants to see him again they will have a son and a daughter at this time
Mad that he left after he uncompelled her without saying anything and she misses him

A Or B

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