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Caroline and Hayley was watching Elena with Kol they were playing with Aniyah. She had to admit that they looked like they were an actual couple. "It looks so real."

"Maybe it is?" Hayley had to admit she didn't think all of that could be fake. A little of it at least could be real. "Even under compulsion you still have access to some things."

"I hope so." Caroline was terrified that when she did come back that she was going to be angry that they just left the compulsion on. "But i am also scared about what her reaction is going to be when all her memories come back."

Rebekah walked over to the two girls she knew that she wasn't Caroline's favorite person right now. But they didn't know everything. "I know you hate us Caroline but you have to think of it from our point of view."

"What point of view, the fact that your brother raped her a year ago and she ended up pregnant with Aniyah." Caroline didn't know what they wanted her to understand the only reason she was letting this fantasy continue was for the sake of her best friend and her niece or nephew. "And then he compelled her to think that she was in love with him."

Rebekah had to admit she and her brother had changed after they had gotten Elena. And while she had understood where her brother was coming from she knew that they would lose her if they did that. "We argued because he wanted to uncompel her but i told him he'd lose her if he were to do that. That she'd never look at him the same way again."

Caroline scoffed at least she knew that one of them had a heart. And wanted to do the right way. "You would never know the truth and the only reason she is still compelled and we didn't dagger the two of you is because i won't do that to her again." Caroline walked over to the two sitting by Elena.  She wanted to know if anything else had happened since she had last heard from Elena. "Hey why don't we go out and do something a lot has changed in a year."

"Sure," That didn't sound like a bad idea she had missed her best friend. 


Elena and Caroline were walking down the streets. Caroline had missed times like this when it was the two. "So how have you been?"

"Good, you?" Elena was happy with her life happy that she was in love and that she had a family of her own.

"Klaus and i are finally together after all." Caroline was happy she was with him no matter what led to the two of them getting together.

Elena smiled and looked over at her she knew that the two of them would make a good couple she was happy that it turned out true.  "That's good i knew that it would work out for you."

"So you and Kol how did that happen?" Caroline was curious how far this fantasy and the best way to ask as just a curious friend to see how deep it ran. 

"I'm not exactly sure i guess i know with our history everything that happened at the ball me almost killing them all and then him and Bonnie it was wrong but i can't help that i fell in love with him. I'm happy." She knew it was wrong that she fell in love with him when he was with her best friend but she couldn't help it.

Caroline nodded she hated this but she knew that this was the best option for all of them right now. "So you've been dating for a year."

"Actually i know i should have called and told you." She realized that she had never shared with Caroline that the two of them had gotten married. 

"Told me what?" Elena showed her left hand showing the wedding band. Caroline took a breath this just got even more complicated. "You two got married."

"Yeah." Elena realized she had never really told anyone she had been scared of how they were going to react to the news.

"And you didn't tell me?" Caroline had thought it was hard with her just being in love with him but it just went up another 10 levels.

"I know you Caroline and i didn't want you or anyone else to try and talk me out of it." She had refused to give them the opportunity to do so. "I love him and i wanted to get married it was actually my idea."

"I guess it's just a lot to process right now." Caroline had no clue what she was about to do now but she did know both Kol and Rebekah were about to hear her mouth.

"I know and i didn't mean for it to be that way." And while she had knew that eventually she was going to have to leave the bubble she did like it when it was just them. "It was like living in a bubble."

"I bet." Caroline murmured she knew that what they had found out hadn't been the end of it.

"You say something. " She had thought that she heard Caroline say something but she wasn't sure.

"I'm happy your happy i just wish i could have been there i guess." So that she could have talked Elena out of it and found where she was earlier.

"It was fine and i wanted it small it turned out perfect." She was happy she had her only family now and that was all she could have wished for.


After Elena went up to Aniyah's nursery Caroline took a few breaths. They were finally back and she was not happy with what she had learned. "You two got married."

"Told you that Elena was going to tell her we should have told her first." Rebekah knew that her and Kol keeping stuff probably wasn't the best idea she wanted to make this right this time. 

"Rebekah shut up." Kol just needed his sister to be quiet and not say anything else.

Now she had to share this information with Jeremy so that he could make sure that everyone kept there mouths quite about this. "This is becoming way more difficult than it has to be now i have to tell Jeremy this so no one says anything"

"Why were you being nosey?" Kol knew that Elena just didn't up and tell her Caroline had asked questions until she got answers.

"Ok maybe I pressured her into telling me but you compelled her so you have no right to argue with me about any of this." She didn't want to hear it this wouldn't be happening if Kol had done this differently or maybe not kidnapped her or compelled her to begin with. "You may love her but you won't ever know if she really loves you."

Kol looked at his brother he really did not like Caroline at all. "Klaus why did you choose her I'm pretty sure any other ditzy blond would have been better."

"I don't want to hear it from you." This was her best friends life and she didn't like what they had done to her. "It's not my fault you dug this hole and now you have to deal with it."


A/N: The compulsion will have to come off eventually how do you guys think Elena is going to react?

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