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Elena was at her 5-month mark she was excited because it meant that she was about to get ready and find out the gender of her baby. And she was really hoping that it was going to be a boy.

Caroline knocked on the door she and Elena were going to the doctor's appointment and they were telling the gender to everyone else. "Hey, i was going I'm to see Bonnie before we go do you want to come?" She wasn't sure how she was going to react to it she hadn't seen Bonnie well over the year and she didn't have any recollection of the last time they talked. 

"I'm not sure that is a good idea, Caroline." She married Bonnie's ex-boyfriend she wasn't sure how she was going to react to that and while she was pregnant she really didn't want to find out.

"It'll be fine Elena. " Caroline knew that Bonnie wouldn't say anything so everything would be fine.

"I guess." She did miss her and it would be good to go and see her. 

"Alright let's go."


They walked into the grill, and seeing Bonnie standing by the pool table they walked over. She was happy that Elena had shown up she didn't know how far her mind was messed up. "Elena, i didn't think you would show."

"How you been Bonnie?" She was happy to see her it had been a while and she looked as if she was doing okay but she knew they all had been able to keep a facade about how they were doing. 

"School and such nothing major though." She wasn't sure what else she was supposed to say. She knew that she had heard that her mind had been messed with,  "I heard you're having  another baby how is that going?"

"Good I'm hoping for a boy Caroline and I are actually going to find out the gender after this." She was really hoping that it would be a boy and if it was she already knew the perfect name for him.

"Aww." She was happy that Elena was getting to be a mother but she also knew what Caroline had Jeremy relay about this all being a fantasy.  "Well, congrats."

"Thanks." Elena smiled she was happy they were happy because she really didn't want to hear anything about it. 

"I hear you and Kol are together and he's not a complete ass." She knew that Elena was made to think that she was in love with him and she wasn't sure how deep that went.

That comment made Elena chuckle she knew that everyone wasn't the biggest fan of him but how he acted towards and how he acted around her were two different things. "He has his moments.'

"Well as long as you're happy." She was and once this was over she wanted to be there for her best friend but for now, she knew that Caroline was right and that they couldn't disturb the fantasy. "That's all that matters."

"Thanks." She was happy and she liked how her life was now. 

"How about me and Bonnie set up the table and you grab drinks?" Caroline knew that there were some things that she had to clear up and she couldn't do it with Elena nearby.

"Alright." Elena nodded walking off to get drinks. 


Caroline turned towards Bonnie now that Elena was not by them they could talk about it. "So?"

As much as she understood the compulsion needing to come off. She had never seen her best friend and if and when they did take the compulsion she would do her best to help."She looks happy are you really about to ruin that?"

"I was talking about it with Klaus he said there is a chance that after the compulsion comes off she'll actually be in love with him and at that point, it's all I'm hoping for but I can't leave her like that." She hoped that when the compulsion came off it would be real but even if that wasn't going to be the case they couldn't leave her compelled. 

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