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Elena got up to a knocking at the door she went and opened it she was wearing one of Kol's shirts and shorts. She opened the door and seen Caroline and Klaus. She hadn't expected to see knowing that they were living their own lives. "Caroline, what are you doing here?"

"What are you wearing?" Caroline knew that things had changed but it was weird seeing her like this. 

"My guy's shirt what are you doing here?" She was confused especially considering why would they just show up now. And just not tell anyone that they were coming.

Rebekah walked into the room confused. She had heard someone at the door but she didn't know who it could be. "Who are you talking to?"

"Caroline and Klaus" 

Now that caught Rebekah's attention she  flashed over as Aniyah started crying. Knowing that if she was going to talk to them she needed to get Elena away so she wouldn't know what was going on. "You should go get Aniyah and let my brother know i need to talk to him,"

"Ok sure." Elena walked away not thinking anything about it not noticing that Caroline was glaring daggers at Rebekah.

"Y'all compelled her." Caroline didn't need an answer she knew that they did and she hated that they did it to her it wasn't fair.

"Yeah, she's quite agreeable now." Truth be told despite Elena being compelled she was still her normal self and she wasn't that bad to be around.

Caroline scoffed she was ending this now she wasn't letting either one of them get away with it."Agreeable you took her choices away."
Elena walked into the room  that Kol was sitting in rocking Aniyah."Rebekah wants you."

Kol flashed to her Elena gently took Aniyah from him. "I'll be back."

"Ok." He walked out of the room and could hear arguing he flashed over.

"She has choices." It was sad to say but they weren't controlling every aspect of her life.

"Really cause the Elena I knew would not willingly say Kol was her boyfriend. Ask me what i am doing here or sleep with him." Caroline just wanted to strangle the both of them but that wasn't going to get her anywhere at the moment. 

"Should we tell them she's pregnant again 3 weeks along?" If they were already caught they mind as well share the news.

"I'm tracking you Nik how did you find me." Kol constantly looked at the track to make sure they would never find them so he wanted to know what happened that they got to him without him noticing. 

Klaus smirked they had come up with a better way to find them and made sure that they would never be detected. "We were going to use a witch but instead one of your sources caved and then she met Elena in the baby section with my daughter."

Rebekah and Kol looked at each other. They only recruited a few people to help them not wanting there to be too many and risk them getting caught. "What source?"

"Brunette Werewolf."

Kol glared at his sister it had been one of the people that she had gone and recruited. And once again his sister had helped lead to him being caught. "I am letting you pick the person to help us again."

"How would i know that she was going to up and have a baby with Nik." She looked at Caroline a little confused because she had sworn that the two of them were together.."Wait i thought you were with Nik."

"I am i told any means necessary i am tired of people asking me that. I am Hope's stepmother for god sake. And she's beautiful." She didn't like that Rebekah kept trying to change and point to something else she wasn't going to fall for it. "Now stop changing the subject let us in so i can kick your ass."

"The only one that can invite people in is Elena." They were now happy that they had done it as a precaution. They wouldn't let them just take her and Aniyah that would be a fight. 

Caroline glared at the two the scoffed. It took her a minute but their behavior was making sense. They weren't just protecting themselves but also her. "You fell in love with her didn't you she's gonna hate you when she gets her memories back you raped her you compelled her and if there's anything that she hates most in the world its when people compel her. You're done for so do me a favor and just give me my best friend 'cause if we have to make this hard you are gonna hate us."

"No way in hell." Kol wasn't giving up that easy maybe he wasn't meant to fall in love with her but he did and he was not just about to give her up.

Caroline and Klaus looked at each other this was not going to be as easy as they had originally planned. Caroline sighed looking back at the two originals there was only one option. And she hoped that they would take it. "Fine, you can keep her compelled until she has the baby but then you uncompel her and just pray she doesn't hate you i promise that if you four come with us no harm will come to you two by either of your brothers and that i won't let them take you or uncompel her for the duration of her pregnancy. You can still play the loving couple that she thinks you are." She did want her best friend to be happy although this was fake it was the happiest that she had ever seen her. 

Rebekah shook her head she didn't trust that deal. She didn't believe that her brothers would actually go along with that plan. "Nik and Elijah would never do that."

"If i say so they will he doesn't have the daggers anymore i do." Caroline was giving them a chance to do this right and it was the only one she would give them right now the only thing that mattered to her is getting her best friend back.

"So you're just gonna let us come back with her and keep up this fantasy?" Rebekah didn't believe it she didn't believe that it wasn't a trap to just get them to come out the house so they could take Elena and Aniyah.

"Yeah, i saw her when she was pregnant with Aniyah i have seen how it affected her i had to take it slow with her so she didn't miscarry because he raped her. She's pregnant again and as much as i hate it i won't put her through that again." Caroline remembered how broken and distraught her best friend was the last time and she refused to let it repeat itself. "So you get until she has the baby thats when the fantasy ends and you will be brought back into the real world. And the truth comes out and however she wants to deal with you two it'll be up to her. But until then do we have a deal." Until then they could do as they pleased she didn't believe that they were going to hurt her.

"As much as i hate you, you dumb blonde you kind of know where we live and have our house surrounded." Even if they wanted to go another way right now they didn't have that option.

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