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Elena walked into the Mikaelson mansion holding Aniyah to her chest seeing Hayley sitting on the couch playing with Hope with Elijah next to her. She was a little surprised to see her since she literally just met her the other day in the store. "Hayley?"

Hayley turned to look at her she knew that they said they were going to get her back but she hadn't heard from them about how it was going. "Guess it worked."

"What worked?" Elena asked looking at her confused as the others walked in. She had no idea what she was talking about.

Caroline walked over to her knowing it was easier to distract her so she didn't question anything about it right now. ."Hey about you go get her to bed it was a long flight Jeremy wants to see you. Hayley can show you to the nursery we made for her."

"Ok." Elena nodded she knew that she was right and Aniyah hadn't wanted to sleep the flight which hadn't been fun. 

Hayley got up confused looking at Caroline but grabbed Hope and headed upstairs with Elena following her. She didn't know what was going on but from the looks of it. She was sure that Elena was still compelled. 

Caroline turned to Rebekah and Kol and glared."Now I have to go run this by her brother before she goes to see him i really hate you two." Caroline walked away taking out her phone and dialing Jeremy's number. She knew that she needed to inform I'm so that he could make sure that no one tried to ruin this. Or tell her anything.


"Hey It's me i got Elena she's back in town and i told her you wanted to see her but there is something that you need to know?" Caroline didn't even know how she was supposed to tell him this but anything was better than nothing.

"Which is?" He was a little confused about what could she possibly have to tell him he was happy to hear that his sister was back and she was safe though. 

"She's compelled she thinks that she is in love with Kol and she's pregnant again i can't and i won't let her go through that again." And she might be selfish for this but she didn't care her best friend had been hurt so bad the last time and she couldn't allow her to go through that. "So for the time being were going to have to deal with the fact that he is in love with your sister."

"She had the baby." He hear pregnant again that meant that she had carried her first pregnancy to term or at least he was hoping that was what it meant. 

"A girl Aniyah Mikaelson." And now they had to wait it out until Elena had her second child and she just didn't want anyone coming in and telling her something that she didn't need to know while she was pregnant this time around. 

"She thinks that she is in love with Kol." While Jeremy didn't think that could ever be possible because the only time he had seen Kol he was a selfish prick. 

"Yes she does and for her sake and the fact that i don't know if i can see her like that again i have to let her believe this." And he needed him to make sure that no one else tried to come in and interrupt this fantasy. "You have to let her believe this that means you go to Bonnie and Tyler with a stake and tell them they can not tell her anything,"

"I'll make sure of it." For Caroline and Elena he would he had to agree with her he didn't want to see his sister like that again.

"Alright, thanks."

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