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Caroline had tracked down Kol she found him feeding off a girl in an alley. Watching as he dropped the body. She was happy she found him she had thought that she was going to lose him again.  "You know you are still married to her right." She had to remind herself that no matter how much she hated him she was doing this for her best friend

He turned to look at her wiping the blood from his mouth. He hadn't expected to see any of them again after he had left. But if it was for Elena then he guessed that he could deal with the blond. "I'll sign whatever she wants."

Caroline sighed slightly she knew he would do anything that Elena wanted but the one thing that she actually wanted. But she wasn't going back without him. She had seen her best friend miserable before and she wasn't doing it again. "She doesn't want you to sign anything she wants you to come back."

He scoffed he knew that Caroline was probably right about that but he also knew that Caroline had made it clear how she felt about him. Not that he could really blame her for it. "Caroline aren't you the one-"

"I know what I did but i also know that she loved you even with the compulsion on." And while she had known that there was a chance of Elena possibly falling in love with him with the compulsion on she refused to be the one to take her best friend's choices away. "She fell in love with you and I won't stand for her to be in pain that is why I came all the way here to find you. Come back to your family."

"It's not that easy and you know it." He wanted to go back the last thing that he had wanted to do was just leave them but he thought that it was best. He had compelled her into this they weren't right for each other.

"I know but anything is better than nothing." She didn't care how hard it was she wasn't going back without him. She could be mad all she wanted that her best friend had fallen in love with him. But she knew that he had to show her something that made it worth it with for it to happen while she was compelled. "And right now she needs something she needs you. So you are coming back and no you do not have a choice."

"Caroline." He didn't know what she wanted him to do when she had made one hell of a point he didn't deserve her he had forced that on her and took away her choices. 

"She had the baby Henrik." She knew that it would catch his attention she also knew that Elena was never going to sign those papers. She had made up her mind and she wasn't changing it anytime soon. "He looks like you just like Aniyah. And she says that she is refusing to sign the annulment she won't. "

"What am I supposed to do?" He had never wanted to leave them but he knew that he had caused Elena enough pain and he didn't want to cause her anymore. 

"Come back to her is a start come back to your daughter and your son." She knew that Aniyah didn't know what was going on she didn't know how she came to be or what had had occurred between her parents or why suddenly her dad had disappeared. "The daughter that has been looking for you because she doesn't understand what is going on. Who just knows that her dad was here one moment and now he's not."

"And then what?" He hated being away from him but he knew that after how Aniyah and Henrik came to be he didn't deserve them. He had made to many mistakes and it was time for him to pay the price.

"Let her talk listen to her. She might surprise you." She was happy that her best friend was fighting for what she wanted and knew that she wasn't going to stop until she got it. "But she won't divorce you and she is still your wife."


Rebekah went and sat by Elena who was holding Henrik. She knew that this was a lot for her and she wanted to do anything that she could to help.  "Are you ok?"

"No, i just want him to come back." She didn't get how that was a question how could she be ok right now? She understood him wanting to do what was right but she wished that he had talked to her instead of just leaving. "Where is Caroline?"

Rebekah knew that she couldn't tell Elena the truth if Caroline wasn't able to bring back Kol there was no point in telling her. "She told me that she had a few things that she had to do with her mom."


"Do you want to do something?" Rebekah didn't want Elena to just sit and mope about everything that was going on. She was praying that Caroline figured out a way to get Kol to come back.

"No thanks, Rebekah." She knew that Rebekah was trying to cheer her up but there was no way for that to happen not right now.

"You know I half expected you to be angry with me." Rebekah would have understood if Elena had been mad at her she had been the one to tell her brother to compel Elena. 

She wished that she could be mad at that she wasn't so sad about him leaving. That she could be angry with him for everything that he had ever done to him.  "I wish I was but I can't find it in me to be mad at either of you."

"Why?" Rebekah knew that if she was in Elena's place she would have been mad about everything. 

"Because I guess I got to see the real you both of you when i was compelled." They weren't complete assholes the whole time she got to understand what they were really like. She had fallen in love with him and Rebekah had become her best friend. "Even if she. "And if you two can continue to act that way I think it'll be ok."

 Rebekah knew that Kol had really fallen in love with Elena that was why she hoped that Caroline was able to get him to come back. "Well if I know anything Elena i know my brother does love you and that leaving you was the hardest thing that he has ever had to do."

"I love him too and I just want him to come back to me." She didn't care what anyone else thought this was her life and even with the way that it started. It had changed and she liked it and she didn't want to lose it.

"He will I just have the feeling. " Rebekah knew that Caroline wasn't going to stop until she brought him back. 


There are two chapters left of this book before it officially ends.

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