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Elena was sitting in the kitchen eating she knew that she had to if it was up to her she would be hiding in her room. But Caroline said that she had to eat and she didn't want  Caroline to complain after everything she did for her. So reluctantly she was eating. It had been a month since they left Mystic Falls and she had gotten used to seeing Klaus around and wasn't so scared. But she still prefered to be alone and wouldn't let anyone but Caroline touch her. She hated that she was this way and blamed Kol for it she hated him.

"You ok?"

She jumped and turned to see Caroline and Klaus."You scared me." She kept her voice low trying to get her heart rate down to normal. She was now easily scared and she hated it.

Caroline came and sat next to her."Are you ok? You looked like you were deep in thought. What you thinking about." She was worried for her best friend she hated seeing her flinch and jump and just be scared because of something he did to her.

"I was thinking am i going to be like this forever scared of my own shadow."

"It's not your fault every girl reacts different to it some use humor to cope others can't remember me i through myself into my work and tried to get a new realtionship to get over what Damon did to me."

"Damon's an ass."

"Yeah but you were in love with him yes or no,"

"He was always nice to me. And protective,"

"Yeah he was which was why i only fought him a couple times." Caroline chuckled she needed Elena to think of the good things."Is the baby hyper?"

"No." Elena rested her hand on her stomach. This was something she was excited for.

"Well Klaus was telling me there is a witch that could find out the gender do you want to know."

"Yes." Elena smiled nodding for the first time in awhile she was actually happy.

"Ok were going to call her but she is going to have to touch your stomach and i know you don't like that but will you try to be ok with it."

Elena nodded. She really did want to know the gender of the baby."Ok."

Elena was sitting in her room looking at her album when Caroline walked in with the witch."Elena this is Gabby she is here to find out the gender."


Gabby walked closer."Is it ok if i sit."

Elena nodded Gabby sat down next to her while Caroline sat on the otherside of her."You ok?"

Elena nodded she was ok she wanted to know so she had to do this."Fine." She was taking breaths she needed to calm herself down.

"I'm going to put my hand on your stomach can you lift your shirt a little"

Elena lifted up her shirt a little bit letting her small bump show.

Gabby slowly put her hand on Elena's stomach and closed her eyes she whispered and incantation and smiled. She removed her hand and looked at the two."Your having a girl."
Kol found Jeremy in Denver and got a witch to find where his brother has taken Elena. And after all it isn't hard to kidnap people with the right motivation.

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