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Elena woke up to Henrik crying she got up and headed to her nursery the crying suddenly stopping. She walked in stopping in her tracks seeing Kol. She hadn't thought that he would actually come back.  "You're back." 

"Caroline tracked me down." And she had been insistent that him coming back was what was best for everyone. 

"She did. I didn't know." She watched as he laid Henrik back down watching as their son turned going back to sleep.  She wasn't sure how long he was going to be here but she knew that she didn't want him to leave again."Can we talk?"

"Yeah come on." They walked back into her room closing the door. 

"Are you staying?" She had to know she didn't want to hold out Hope that he was here to stay only for him to up and leave again. 

"If you want me to." He knew that Caroline had a point he hadn't even given her a choice he had just left without considering how she would feel about it. 

"I do." She didn't want him to leave again she wanted him to stay with her and the kids. "I don't like that you left."

"I didn't know what else i was supposed to do." He had felt like leaving was in the best interest of everyone. She would get to make her own choices without being influenced and she would get the chance to really be happy, which was the only thing that he wanted for her. 

She scoffed rolling her eyes she could not believe he just said that. There were several things he could have done before deciding to leave. "How about talking to me that would have been a good start."

"I didn't know what to say, Elena." He didn't know how he was supposed to take the compulsion off and then just decided to talk to her after he had done that.

"I didn't want you to go." She would have told him that no matter the compulsion she still loved him and she wanted to be with him. Yeah, it would have made her upset but she would have gotten over it."I don't care about the compulsion i love you and we are a family and you shouldn't have just left me like that it wasn't fair."

"I know and I'm sorry." He knew it wasn't fair to her he should have taken it off and talked about it with her but instead he let everything 

"Stop saying sorry." She turned away from him she didn't want to hear him say that he was sorry anymore he had done it already he had left her. Saying sorry wasn't doing anything more than making her more agitated  "I wish you would have sat down and talked to me. I know you told Caroline that you would uncompel me and she can be a little scary-"

"A little." Caroline scared the hell out of him and he was a 1000 years older than she was. When she wanted something she made sure to get her point across that was for sure, 

She turned back to face him she knew how Caroline could be."Fair enough but that doesn't change anything this is my life, not hers and she'll do everything to protect me but we are married so before you listen or do anything else that someone tells you do you talk to me first your wife." Even if she was angry at him even if everything went wrong with them she was still his wife. And they had to learn to work through things together and to communicate together. "Cause even if i don't like it or even if i get mad at you. I still love you and even if it happened under compulsion I'm not compelled anymore and i can sat without a doubt that i love you and that it won't change anytime soon."

"Ok." He knew that she was right he should have talked to him but he let what he thought get in the way of what he should have been doing for his family.

"I won't sign the annulment i ripped it up i refuse and we are not getting a divorce either you are stuck with me you are not allowed to leave me again." She didn't care what he thought she would feel it wasn't the case. Things had changed since he had taken her from the house that night and now. And she didn't care what anyone else had to say about it compulsion or not she knew how she felt.  "Cause I love you and I can't live without you."

"I love you too leaving was the hardest thing i ever had to do." He had wanted to do it but at the same time, he wanted to do what was best for her and his family. Even if it meant that he had to leave

"Then don't leave again." She didn't know what she would do if he left again and didn't come back. 

"As long as you'll have me I'll stay" As long as she loved him he wasn't going anywhere.


Alright one more chapter left the epilouge

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