Elena was sitting on her bed. It was midnight and everyone else was sleeping her phone went off she picked it up and seen that it was Jeremy's caller I.D. She was starting to get back to a new normal around Caroline and Jeremy at least. She wasn't as timid and frightened but she had her moments."Isn't it late." She was happy that herr brother was calling her but she was in no way prepared for what was to come.

"I'm so sorry Elena."

She could hear fear in her brothers voice but she didn't understand where it was coming from."What's wrong? What happened? Are you ok?"

Their was a knock at the window she slowly got up and moved her curtians she gasped and stepped back she seen Kol who had his arm around Jeremy's neck. She knew that he was reckless and that he would hurt her brother without a second thpught if she didn't get what she wanted.

"Don't scream pack a bag and climb out the window." He held up Jeremy's ring."Or i kill him." He knew that she would do anything to protect her brother and that is exactly what he wanted her to.q

"Ok." She got a bag together making sure to grab her albums she put them in a duffelbag and opened the window. She threw the bag out and slowly climbed out he flashed and grabbed her. She looked at her brother."Don't scream." She didn't have much of a choice it was him or her and she wouldn't do that to him.

"Your coming with me." Kol looked at Jeremy."Tell my brother next time he sees me it will be with a golden dagger." His brother was goning to regret messing with him.

He stuck a needle in Elena's arm making her passout. He flashed to Jeremy knocked his head against the house. Grabbed her and the bag and flashed away.
When Jeremy woke up his sister nor Kol were in sight he ran to the door and started banging on it. Soon Caroline opened the door rubbing her eyes."Jeremy what are you doing here how did you find us."

"He has Elena."

Caroline was confused that was impossible"What? That's not possible she's sleep he can't get into the house." Caroline could tell that he was serious she flashed to Elena's room and seen that she was gone and the window was open."NO."
When Elena woke up she was lying in a bed in a room that she didn't know a women was sitting down watching her."Your awake welcome to Italy."

Elena sat up slowly her hand immediantly going to her bump. She wasn't safe anymore Kol had ehr and who knew what he would do to her"Wh-who a-re yo-you"

"I'm Janelle your safe here as long as you coroperate. Your free to go anywhere in the house he had to go out to feed you get a call an hour and you can't be on more than ten minutes and you are not allowed to know where in italy we are so you can't tell your friends. If you need anything i will get it for you a doctor is coming by in a few hours to examine you. How far along are you?"

"3 and a half months."

"As long as you cause no problems you will not get hurt don't do anything you know your not supposed to he is willing to keep you alive don't make him kill you." Janelle turned around and walked out of the room leaving Elena alone.

She rubbed her small bump and whispered."He'll kill me anyways" She wasn't safe and she knew that.
Caroline jumped out of Klaus' car they just made it back to Mystic Falls she was looking for Bonnie she needed a spell done asap. She ran into the grill and seen lots of faces and peop;e she knew but none Bonnie. She seen Matt, Damon and Stefan but not who she was looking for."Where is Bonnie?" She said it a little to loud causing people to stare at her."What are you looking at? Have you ever seen a girl scream looking for her best friend?" She turned and ran out waiting till the coast was clear to flash to Bonnie's when she got their she seen Tyler and Bonnie bringing out boxes."Umm what are you two doing?" She didn't really care but she needed help and she needed it now.

"Leaving this shitshow what are you doing here Caroline?  I thought that you were dating Klaus now and had moved away taking Elena with you."

"He took her Bonnie Kol took her and i don't know where she is or if her and the baby are ok." She was scared for her best friend and didn't want anythng to happen to them

Bonnie dropped the box she was carrying. She didn't get how he was able to get her."What do you mean he took her?"

"Last night she said she was going to her room she doesn't like people and prefers to be alone next thing i know Jeremy is banging at the door saying he took her and she's gone and i don't know where she is."

"You lost her? How did you-" Caroline's phone started to ring it was an unknown number she put it to her ear. She recongnized the breathing pattern instantly."Elena."

"Hey Care."

Caroline turned so her back was towards Bonnie and Tyler."You went with him you should have yelled he wouldn't have hurt Jeremy the ring-"

"He took the ring off his finger and held it up saying he was going to kill him i didn't have much of a choice."

"I knew we should have tracked him down and put him back in a box where he belongs he can't kidnapp you-"

"Is it kidnapping if i went willingly i'm fine i have free range of this mansion as long as i listen its a prision except i get a call an hour and can't be on longer then ten minutes no time to track the call i can't know where we are so y'all don't know if i listen i live if i don't when the baby comes i will cease to be of value"

"I am going to ring his neck."

"He could kill you Caroline for now i'm safe. I have to be strong now for me and my baby"

"Yeah until you piss him off sorry but he is easily aggitated and-"

"I got to go the doctors here i will call you in an hour."

"Fine tell him i will kill him next time i see him even if i go down too i will kill him he will not live to see another day bye i will find you no matter how long it takes."

"Bye Caroline."

The line went dead and Caroline took a breath."Why on earth did he take her?"

"He has her and she's just going to-"

Caroline turned around towards Bonnie."Listen yes because if not she is going to die the moment she ceases to be of value she's a dead women he threatened Jeremy and got her to go willingly. She doesn't have a choice but to stay with him and i have no idea where she is or how to get to her. She has to if she wants to stay alive."

"You know you could have told someone."

"When after he raped her and he'd been dating you. It was all apart of his plan to get back at y'all for killing him, I noticed that she was starting to wiithdrawl from everyone but she only told Jeremy i got her to talk to me because i knew the signs Damon did it to me remember and i knew something was up. I seen how she flinches when someone tries to touch her how contact wasn't important to her she was one to always hug people but now she's to afraid to touch them."

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