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Elena was holding her son in her arms Henrik Grayson Mikaelson. She hated that he two looked just like his father and that made it harder. It had been a week since she refused to sign the papers. She wasn't just giving him up.

Caroline walked into the room and saw Elena sitting on the bed just staring at Henrik. She felt bad she didn't like seeing her like this. "Elena-"

Elena looked over to her she didn't really know what to say a lot was going through her head. "Yes."

"Tell me what you want me to do and I'll do it." Caroline was willing to do anything to help her right about now.

Elena couldn't ask her for anything she was happy for everything that Caroline had already done for her she couldn't ask anything else of her. "Caroline you've already done so much for me."

"But i feel partly responsible for this I put all that in his head." She felt bad he had left because she had basically forced him to. Telling him there was no way that Elena could ever forgive him and she was wrong. "And now he's gone."

"You didn't do anything wrong Caroline you were doing what you do best trying to protect yourself."  She knew that her best friend had honorable intentions with wanting the compulsion to come off she knew that was what she would have wanted and she saw that it happened. "I will never fault you for that."

"Have you looked over the papers he left?" Caroline knew this was hard and any way that she could help she would. 

"He left me money, full custody." But it didn't matter to her what the papers said because she refused to let him go he was just going to have to deal with that. "I don't care 'cause I refuse to sign it."

"What if he doesn't come back?" Caroline knew that Elena didn't want to hear it but she had to think about it there was a chance that Kol was never going to come back and she would have to do something eventually.

Elena shook her head she could feel the tears clouding her eyes. She didn't want to think about the fact that he might not come back she was holding out Hope that he would. "Don't say that."

"Elena but you have to consider it that he won't come back." Caroline knew that it wasn't certain that he was going to come she had pushed him away and now she didn't know what to do. 

"I need him to come back to me I can't do this by myself." Compelled not compelled she had loved him she had expected to do this with him and now he was gone and she wasn't sure what she was going to do. "I love him I can't lose him."

"Alright." Caroline took a breath and headed downstairs to where the others were. She knew that she had to do something and she would.

"So?" They all agreed that having Caroline talk to Elena was the best option for all of them they were best friends after all. 

Caroline sighed she knew that they all hoped that she had gotten through to her but she didn't even know how she was supposed to do that. "She's still holding out hope that he'll come back." 

"And what did you tell her?" Hayley knew that Caroline would do anything for Elena even more so that she didn't want to see her like that. 

"I can't take that from her, not after everything else that she has gone through i won't take that from her." Caroline had been everything that she had been through she had seen the toll that it had taken on her and she wouldn't cause anymore harm. She was going to fix this for all of them. 

Rebekah knew that this was hard she was mostly to blame for it having him compel her in the first place. "So what are we supposed to do?"

They weren't going to do anything Caroline was going to bring him back to her whatever it took. "Watch her for me."

"Where are you going?" Klaus knew how Caroline got when it came to Elena and nothing was off the table to protect her best friend after what she had been through. 

"To find him and bring him back to her." She had scared him away and made him think that she would never forgive him for what he had done and now it was time for her to fix that mistake. "I have to i scared him away and I'm bringing him back."


Elena needs him back?

Do you think that Caroline can find him before its to late?

Hope you like.

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