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Caroline walked into the house and she heard crying she flashed to the sound and seen Elena sitting on the bed in tears. She was confused to what was going on."Elena."

"He left." She was feeling a lot of different emotions angry with him for compelling her mad at herself that she was so sad about him gone. Confused about what she was supposed to do now. Scared of having to raise them alone.

"Who?" She hoped he didn't leave from the look of this he did.

Elena turned to look at her she knew that Caroline had just wanted to help her. She was being her best friend and she would never fault her for that. Which was another reason why she was so angry at herself that she had fallen in love with the guy that raped her and who hurt her the most. Who took away her decisions and manipulated her feelings. "He followed your orders he undid the compulsion and left."

"I didn't think he would really do it i secretly hoped that he would have refused." Caroline knew how Elena was about being compelled she didn't like it. She didn't like her feelings being manipulated or being used."I knew you didn't like being compelled."

"I was mad at first then everything else hit. I don't know how but I fell in love with him."At first she was angry she could admit that the initial feeling after the compulsion had came off she was so angry that he had done that to her and then everything else hit and she realized despite him compelling and manipulating her she had fallen in love with him unintentionally. "I can't raise them by myself."

"You love him?" Caroline didn't need an answer she knew that her best friend did and she couldn't blame her for it the ways he seen the two it made her sad looking at it. But she had hoped that maybe there was a bright side and there was.

"Compelled not compelled you didn't see what i saw he opened up to me and sometimes i may have not understood it then but i did now. He always had plans of compelling me, Caroline." And yeah it definitely would have been easier when she was stuck in a house with him she would have had to face it. And when that time would have come she would have yelled she would have been angry but she would have stayed. "It would have just been easier to do it I was stuck in the house with nowhere else to go. The decision was going to be mine. And i wasn't going to walk away alone."

"What are you talking about?" Caroline was a little confused she didn't think that Kol would have ever uncompelled her. 

Elena got up and went to the dresser and she pulled out some papers. "I found these after he left" She sat down handing her the papers. He had made sure that she would be ok with or without him.

"Divorce papers."  Or at least that is what she assumed they were.

"Anulmennt." He loved her and he was letting her go but he was going to make sure that she was alright. And he wasn't even going to fight her for the kids. "With a catch, i get half of everything i get the kids. He pre-dated them Caroline for 6 months from now."

she didn't think that he would ever do it she had always thought that she would have stayed compelled forever. "I didn't-"

"I'm angry with him for compelling me im angry that i myself fell in love with him but i did i want him to come back to me." She didn't want to be alone she was angry that he left and all she wanted was for him to come back to her. 

"I'm so sorry Elena." She was going to do whatever she could for her best friend to fix this to the best she could.

"I know it's wrong he raped me and he compelled me but i love him and i didn't want him to leave me and now he's gone i want him to-" She took a few breaths. Her voice got caught in her throat as she felt a pain in her stomach. 


"I think my water just broke." Henrick was coming and Kol was no where to be found.

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