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Caroline was pacing it was getting closer and closer to Elena's due date and she was getting worse by the moment. She was worried about how her best friend was going to react to this when it was all said and done. 

"Caroline you have to calm down." Hayley knew that she was stressing about everything but it wasn't going to help anything not right now.

"I'm scared." Caroline was more than scared she was terrified that she was going to lose her best friend that her best friend was going to sink back into depression or that she was just going to hate her. 

"We still have a month to figure out how we are going to deal with this just calm down." Hayley knew that this was a lot for her and she couldn't blame her but her stressing wasn't going to be much help to any of them. 

"I don't want to calm down. I promised her i would take care of her and now i don't know what i am supposed to do." Her and her best friend had been through so much together and she hadn't been then there when she should have and now she was lost on how she was supposed to handle this next."What do i tell her when it comes off."

Hayley understood her panic but she knew that her stressing wasn't going to help Elena when the compulsion came off. "Start with letting her breathe and see how she feels before you jump right in."

"Alright." Caroline knew that Hayley was right they had to let her breathe this was going to be more for her than it was for them.

"We will figure it out." Hayley knew that everything was going to be ok and that they were going to be able to handle it but they were going to have to wait until the time came when they needed to worry. 

Rebekah walked down the stairs. Her and Elena had been working on the nursey and now it was done.  "We're done with the nursery do you want to see it?"

"Yeah come on."

Hayley and Caroline got up following Rebekah up the stairs into the room that they had designated as Henrik's nursery. They stopped in their tracks looking at it. "Oh my god, this is beautiful."

Elena smiled turning towards them. She hadn't known how she wanted it to look and first but when she figured it out she was set. "It took me awhile to think about how i wanted it to look but Rebekah made Aniyah's so i wanted to do his."

"Well, it looks amazing."

"Thank you."

Elena turned towards Rebekah she hadn't seen Kol since before the two had started working on the nursery.  "Where is your brother?"

"He said that he had to handle some things I'm sure that he's going to be back soon." Rebekah knew what it was but she had to lie to Elena the only thing she needed to worry about was what was going on now.

"Alright, I'm going to get Aniyah?" She wanted to make sure that her baby got attention before Henrik came not wanting her to feel left out. 


Caroline turned to look at Rebekah knowing that she had just lied to Elena. "Where is Kol really?"

"He's not leaving her with nothing he is handling things because you gave him no choice Caroline." Rebekah didn't know what else she wanted to hear. Despite that, he was about to leave as told he wasn't leaving her with nothing.

"Oh." Caroline sighed she felt bad seeing him knowing what was to come. 

"Yeah, he's not leaving her with nothing Caroline." She wasn't sure what Caroline was expecting but things were different.


"My brother changed for her and she might be compelled but that didn't change her true nature." Rebekah knew that was who Elena was just because her feelings were changed for someone didn't mean her personality was.

"I know it didn't." She knew that this was who her best friend really was minus the feelings that she had for Kol. "I just don't know what else to do."

"There is nothing else to do it's happening." Rebekah knew that it was to late for that they were following her orders no matter how much they didn't want to."Whether any of us like it or not. And we will just have to deal with everything as it comes."


"Everything is good for right now." Hayley knew that everyone was worrying but they still had time to let it be.

"She has barely a month left how is everything good." Caroline knew that in the matter of a month everything was going to change and she didn't want to see her best friend getting hurt.

"You did this we are following your rules remember. I'm going to do everything that i can to get her to forgive me." She knew that she had a chance at forgiveness but when everything came to light it was going to change between Elena and her brother. And she was so scared that she had just about ruined her best friend. "But it's going to be different between her and Kol and you know it i just don't want to see her broken."

"I get it everything changed but it's not fair." Caroline had seen how Elena was when the rape had first happened and she felt helpless for her best friend and she was starting to feel that way again and she hated it. n"I feel like everything is reverting back and i don't know what to do."

"We work it out as we can." They had no other choice they had to deal with everything as it came.


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